jeudi 15 janvier 2015

20 Low Cost Marketing and Advertising Ideas for Frugal Entrepreneurs

Just because you don’t have a million dollar budget to spend on promoting your business doesn’t mean you can’t still be effective in advertising.

There are many low-cost marketing options available that you can implement and use in your business. What’s even better is that is that a lot of these marketing strategies can be implemented for free.

Low Cost Marketing and Advertising Ideas

Here is a list of 20 low cost marketing and promotional ideas that you can use to kick off your marketing campaigns for the New Year:

1. Canvassing

This method involves printing out some inexpensive flyers and handing them out at local business parks or stores. Canvassing works very well for service-related businesses.

2. Content Marketing

I am sure by now that you have heard all of the hype surrounding content marketing. Well, I am here to tell you that content marketing is not hype and that it does in fact work. Content marketing involves writing valuable content and then marketing that information via different platforms such as social media platforms, your website and etc.

3. Invest in Door Hangers

Door hangers can actually be even more effective than mailings because they are hung directly on the customer’s door and have a greater chance of being noticed.

4. Invest in a Professional Website

You can create a professional-looking website by using any number of free website builders online. WordPress is a great platform to use for building a professional website.

5. Create and Offer Free Coupon Cards

Free services or consultations, you’ll encourage customers to give your business a try. Here is an additional tip: consider using the back of your business card as an area to offer freebies.

6. Start a Blog

Blogging is an excellent way to market and promote your business on the cheap. Make sure to write frequently and keep your customers in the loop about what’s new with your business.

7. Get Active on Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are free and excellent platforms that you can use for promoting your business. Not convinced that social media is a right fit for your business, check out these statistics courtesy of Convince and Convert.

8. Create a Free Facebook Fan Page for your Business

Facebook averages more than 1.23 billion monthly active users and counting. Creating a Facebook Fan page is a great way build your brand, stay engaged with your loyal customers and gain new visibility to potential clients.

9. Start a LinkedIn Group

LinkedIn Groups allow you to connect with others in the same industry, and also allows those with similar interests to share with one another, post and see jobs, make new contacts, and otherwise get established.

10. Create an Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are an excellent way to fill in your current customers on the happenings of your business. Aweber is a great resource that you can use to start an email newsletter.

11. Write a Press Release for your small business

A press release is basically an announcement where you can give details about your business and the services you offer.

12. Start participating in Network Events

This is an easy way to get to know and interact with others who are in your community and possibly even in the same industry. allows you to search by location and find different events and groups to participate in.

13. Guest Post and Submit Articles to other Blogs in Your Industry

Connect with influencers in your industry and offer to submit informative articles to their blogs. Guest posting for them will give you another avenue of gaining exposure in your industry.

14. Offer Incentives and Rewards Programs to your current customers in exchange for referrals

Current customers will be happy (and more motivated) to refer you to a friend if there is some sort of incentive involved. Check out this blog post to get some ideas for incentives and rewards that you can offer clients in exchange for referrals.

15. Setup Joint Ventures with other Companies in your business niche

Joining forces with another business in your industry will give you more exposure and allow you to get more visibility to potential customers in your niche. Consider participating in a joint event with another company similar to yours.

16. Conduct Free Webinars or Seminars on hot topics in your industry

People will log on to listen to a webinar, especially if they believe you are an expert on a topic in which they are not.

17. Get Endorsements on LinkedIn

LinkedIn allows others to “endorse” you – use these endorsements on your website as credibility building boosting testimonials.

18. Give away free trials of your products or a Free Consultation

People love freebies! Whether it be a product or a service, you can offer a deal for first-time customers for a free consultation.

19. Comment on Blogs in your Industry

Leave comments for other business blogs in your industry. This helps you get more traffic to your website, which can lead to more business leads.

20. Run referral contests with your existing clients

Along with offering incentives to your customers for referrals, you can also run contests to see which of your current customers can get you the most referrals. A desirable prize should be offered as well.

20 Low Cost Marketing and Advertising Ideas for Frugal Entrepreneurs

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