lundi 19 janvier 2015

Are You Willing To Try New Things?

something-new2Do you love to try new things? If so, then maybe entrepreneurship is for you. In many ways, that’s the trait at the heart of the entrepreneurial experience—the courage to do things you’ve never done before, even when the outcome isn’t necessarily certain. (And really, when is the outcome ever going to be certain?) Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just willing to try new things; they’re eager and excited to go out on a limb and explore new fields and experiences, every single day.

Part of this, of course, is rather obvious. The very act of starting a new business is, for most of us, quite novel. It’s a big plunge, and it requires a certain level of courage to jump into entrepreneurship for the very first time.

New Experiences Every Day

That’s not the only instance of entrepreneurs needing to try new things, though. That big plunge is just the beginning. Entrepreneurs need to feel excited about trying something different almost constantly.

Simply put, there are always going to be things you’ve never tried before—new ways to market, new ways to promote, new ways to engage customers, and new ways to sell. Not all of these new things will work, but you don’t know what works and what doesn’t until you start trying—and the entrepreneur’s attitude should always be to try new things whenever possible.

Maybe it’s sending out a direct mailer. Maybe it’s launching a new social media initiative. Maybe it’s reaching out for opportunities in the local press. Maybe it’s going to a trade show.

You may spend $x on a particular advertising opportunity and get nothing out of it. You may do it a couple of times, to no real result. Then you may try it again and get a $10x return on your investment—but that won’t happen unless you keep at it, keep exploring, keep willing yourself to broaden your business horizons rather than remain stagnant.

Wrong Way Signs

Of course, some things just won’t work, no matter how many times you try them—yet even here, trying has value. If nothing else, it teaches you something. It serves as a kind of Wrong Way sign, and can perhaps orient you toward some other, more productive avenues.

Critically, you have to track and measure your results. You have to not only try new things, but then reflect on the results, and what those results might say about your brand or about your market.

A zealously exploratory attitude is essential, though. It’s the critical first step toward growing a company—and making use of every possible opportunity for advancement.

Are You Willing To Try New Things?

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