vendredi 16 janvier 2015

John Boehner Uses Taylor Swift GIFs To Criticize Obama’s Community College Proposal


John Boehner sent out Taylor Swift GIFs on his official website as a response against Obama’s community college plan. In an article written by the house speaker’s communication directors Caleb Smith and Michael Ricci, the post highlighted that the POTUS’ proposal would cost $60 billion over the next 10 years and fall on the shoulders of the tax payers.

The full article can be found here.

It contains a total of 12 Taylor Swift GIFs, each with a sentence or two that points out the flaw of the well-intended but problematic plan. Some of the GIFs are quite comical and include snippets from Swift’s music videos and interviews.

The article criticized President Obama for proposing a “free” community college plan that in reality comes with a huge price tag that would burden the middle class, including the students who benefit from the plan once they get out of college.

The article has generated quite an amount of social buzz, and Business Insider even contacted John Boehner to enquire whether he was a Taylor Swift fan. A response was given by Boehner spokesman Michael Steel that did not reveal whether he was a fan of the 25-year-old pop country starlet.

President Obama announced the plan dubbed as the American College Promise, which will allow select students to attend a two-year community college tuition-free. The College Board currently estimates that attending community college one year on a full-time basis costs an average of $3,300.

Aside from the monstrous price tag, critics of the plan also say that it would lead to extremely high enrollments, which would overwhelm colleges and lead to oversized classes. Opponents also likened the plan to Obamacare, saying that the vast enrollment numbers will water down the quality of education.

Regardless of whether you agree with the American College Promise or not, there’s little argument that the Taylor Swift GIFs got its point across. John Boehner and other GOP members are without a doubt going to do what they can to repeal the act. As for Swift, it would be interesting to know what her thoughts are.

[photo credit: Larry Darling]

John Boehner Uses Taylor Swift GIFs To Criticize Obama’s Community College Proposal

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