dimanche 18 janvier 2015

Supercharge Your Data Capture by Integrating your Call Data with Your CRM Platform

phone-and-keyboardAutomation has taken many steps towards reducing the overwhelming amount of data that is usually entered into a CRM system. Marketing automation platforms like Act-On and HubSpot are great at capturing when a prospect interacts with your brand presence. Email automation providers, such as Yesware, can automatically save each email to Salesforce ensuring that no emails are lost. The more things that can be automatically logged in your CRM, the better your data will be and the more time your sales and support reps can spend working with your customers.

Sales and support agents spend countless hours entering information into CRM platforms. Each activity requires a new entry, every stage change brings up more required fields, every service call needs a case created, and every victory results in further punishment by way of CRM. Yet, there is a reason for all of this data entry. The more information there is on every prospect or customer, the better you can serve them and cater to their needs. Integrating your CRM with a real-time call tracking solution is another excellent way to elevate the quality of your data. Removing the need to manually log every call made and every support call taken can free up a lot of time. This type of integration allows your agents to take (and make) more calls, improving customer service and driving more revenue.

Spend Less Time Entering Data and More Time Talking to Customers

As your CRM becomes more automated, your data will become more accurate and more useful. By adding voice automation capabilities to your CRM platform, you enable your sales and support agents to be more efficient and effective while on the job. Capturing data on both your inbound and outbound calls allows your agents to spend more time selling or helping customers, instead of entering in activity data.

Capturing a caller’s information manually can take a lot of time and frustrate the person on the other end of the phone. But knowing how to contact the caller again is crucial to your business. So why not automate this process? Voice automation simplifies this process by automatically creating a call record and appending it to a contact or lead. When no record of a caller exists, one will be automatically created. As soon as that caller becomes known, the call record is automatically appended to their contact record. With call tracking, you can automatically capture the caller’s number, location, and the source where they found your phone number.

Know Your Caller Better Than They Know Themselves with Screen Pops

Voice-based automation doesn’t just save your agents time by reducing the amount of data entry required, it also helps them have more efficient phone calls. Knowing who is calling and where they found your number can help your agents have better, more efficient conversations. Quick access to CRM records is crucial for both sales and support agents. Quick access to lead and contact information can make a world of difference for the person on the other end of the phone. Not surprisingly, 84% of customers are frustrated when a representative does not have immediate access to account information. This allows them to spend more time learning about your product or solving their problems, instead of identifying themselves.

Link Phone Call Data with the Rest of Your CRM Data

To truly know what drives revenue for your business, you have to have the complete picture of what is driving your leads. In order to truly optimize your lead generation, you need to be able to track every type of interaction. Tracking your customers’ online interactions is no longer enough. All interactions—online and offline—need to be recorded. Having a complete call history makes it easier to serve your customers’ needs. Filtering out calls that didn’t last a substantial amount of time makes this reporting even more accurate. Having that wealth of knowledge allows your sales team to sell better and your support team to better assist customers.

Automating your CRM is beneficial for everyone. It makes your agents’ lives easier and enables them to provide better support for your customers. For those who report on CRM data, reducing the amount of manual entry means better, cleaner data. Integrating voice automation with CRM allows for all call data to be captured. Whether a rep is making or receiving a call, the data gets logged and appended to the appropriate record. Having a history of all these calls can make a world of difference for your organization.

Supercharge Your Data Capture by Integrating your Call Data with Your CRM Platform

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