lundi 19 janvier 2015

The Right Way To Connect On LinkedIn

The Right Way to Connect on LinkedIn

If you’re trying to make connections on LinkedIn, there’s no doubt that you want to make a good first impression. Whatever you say in your invitation will be the first communication you have with future contacts, so make it count.

Believe me, I understand the temptation to send the generic, “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” But it’s in your best interest to add a little more flair.

Instead, make your message a little more interesting and memorable with these five tips and tricks.

1. Do Your Homework

On a lot of social networks, people who look into other people’s profiles are lovingly labeled as “creepers.” When it comes to LinkedIn, however, doing some homework on your future connections is (or should be) a common practice.

Check out things like what company they work for and what they do there. Do they have a website? What groups do they belong to on LinkedIn? Knowing these things will give you a better understanding of who you’re connecting with.

If you’ve learned about the individual and their company, it will show in your invitation. It will let your future connections know that you’re looking to actually network, not just a random connection.

2. Make It Personal

If you’ve done your homework, personalizing your connection invitation should be simple. Add some details that show you know who you’re talking to. Maybe talk about how you’re interested in their industry or what caught your eye about their profile.

Personalizing your invitation gives you a better chance of connecting on a personal level, and makes you more memorable.

3. Honesty Is The Best Policy

Do yourself and your future connections a favor and be honest in your invitation. It’s tempting to exaggerate your title or tell a white lie you think won’t hurt. Like why you’re connecting, for example.

But remember, even a tiny fib could blow up in your face somewhere down the line, and it’s pretty unprofessional anyway.

4. Put Emphasis On Common Ground

Maybe you and your future connection work in the same field, or you noticed that they blog just like you do. Reference that common ground you guys share when you’re sending your connection invitation.

By showing that you have something in common, you’ll give them better understanding of why you want to connect with them.

5. Thank Them

Be sure to end your connection invitation on a thankful note. A simple “thanks” or “thank you” could make all the difference. Gratitude is always a pleasant attitude (yes, that was an intentional rhyme).

So before you send the ‘ol, “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn,” the next time you want to make a connection, take some of these tips into account. It could make all the difference!

The Right Way To Connect On LinkedIn

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