dimanche 18 janvier 2015

The Top 10 Trends In Digital Marketing 2015 (Infographic)

Top 10 Trends Digital Marketing 2015It’s that time of the year when CHANGE is in the air.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve blogged about the social media scene of 2014, the developments we can expect from Facebook, and projections about how social media ad spending will increase in the coming years.

But I also love reading other experts’ predictions just as much as I enjoy writing my own. This new infographic from Borenstein Group especially impressed me. Many of their 2015 digital marketing predictions are right on the money. I’m going to discuss four of my favorite predictions below. See the full infographic at the bottom of this post for more.

#4 “Mobile First, Mobile Last”

Obviously, we’re well past the point of arguing the need for mobile development. Four out of 10 social media users access social networks on their phones. Three out of 10 Facebook users access the network exclusively through a mobile device. (Source: first link in this blog post.)

These numbers will only continue to rise. Brands that are not optimized for mobile will appear out-of-touch to the consumer on a first impression. While I always say the message is more important than the technology, mobile is one area where brands have to prioritize technology. Without the technology, they won’t even get the opportunity to share their message.

#5 “Citizen Journalism Is the New Journalism”

Websites, apps, and – of course – social networks that are built around user-generated content are only going to find their value increasing in 2015. The Facebook-BuzzFeed-UpWorthy digital climate we inhabit celebrates a democratic process of choice. What messages go viral are determined by the innovative, creative, and social.

#7 “Less Is More”

It’s all starting to sound overwhelming, isn’t it? Well… the good news is that “less is more” in 2015. Push notifications, endless-scroll feeds, countless emails, and busy lives are always pressing for our attention. If you want to deliver a message, make it short; make it simple; make it beautiful.

#8 “Content Authenticity Will Become Critical”

This past year, I blogged extensively about Google Authorship, authenticity, and identity. While August brought about the Death of the Google Author, the concepts of authenticity and transparency that powered this ambitious Google initiative continue to be immensely important. Content marketing has hit a saturation point, which makes authorship a necessity for digital marketers in 2015.

What Digital Marketing Trends Do YOU Predict?

I’d love to hear your predictions. What do you agree or disagree with? Where is digital marketing headed in 2015?

The Top 10 Trends In Digital Marketing 2015 (Infographic)

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