lundi 20 juillet 2015

How Parents Use Social Media For Information [Infographic]


Parents are Using Social Media and They’re Using it A Lot

Pew Research Center and the University of Michigan’s School of Information conducted a study to see how parents use Social Media and how the patterns differ between mothers and fathers.

The study found that 75% of all parents use Social Media.  Both parents use Social Media as a “resource for parenting information.”

University of Michigan associate professor Cliff Lampe, noted that, “Social network sites like Facebook make it easier to access a broad network of people for both informational and emotional support, and parenting is often a context where we need both.”

Of the parents using Social Media, 59% say that they have gotten useful information about parenting while viewing Social Media content.

Of course the top site for parents is Facebook with 74% of internet users who are parents using the platform, 81% of mothers and 66% of fathers.  Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram are the next top sites used (in order).

Parents on Facebook are especially avid users: 75% log on daily, including 51% who do so several times a day.” (Pew Research Center)  Mothers on Facebook tend to check the site several times a day.

Mothers are actually “heavily engaged” on Social Media, giving and receiving support to other parents in their network.  37% of mothers say they frequently interact on Facebook and 39% say they sometimes interact, but only 5% say they never interact.

The average number of friends parents have on Facebook is 150. These friend networks consist of a variety of people and not necessarily close friends.  Family and close friends are the bulk of a parent’s network.  93% of parents are friends with family members, other than their children, on the network.

Businesses with a demographic of mothers or parents in general should take note, Facebook is a viable source of potential customers and an excellent source to create brand followers and referral sources.

INFOGRAPHIC Social Parents

How Parents Use Social Media For Information [Infographic]

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