mardi 5 avril 2016

I Don’t ‘Like’ LinkedIn and I Think You Shouldn’t Either


Have you ever been to a networking event, conference or convention and after sharing a nugget of insight someone has just held up a thumb in response? No.

So why do you ‘like’ things on LinkedIn then? Is it that you’re trying to say something positive like “well done”, “glad to see how well you’re doing” or something similar? Then why not take 5 seconds to type that in the comments and talk as if you were facing the person in real life?

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In most ways the more you treat LinkedIn like your normal business life the better it will work for you. I am not saying I never ‘like’ stuff on LinkedIn, I do, but it is quite rare (maybe 10% of the time, normally when I am on the move on the mobile and cannot type and walk).

The rest of the time I just act like I act, partly for brand consistency, partly for the business small talk that we all do when we are out to be nice but mostly to be a human being!

There are also great technical reasons for commenting as opposed to ‘liking’ things on LinkedIn, for example:

1) Comments are inherently more visible than ‘likes’ on LinkedIn, they show up more under messages and interactions.
2) Comments share some aspect of you, your personality, outlook or beliefs (be that positive or negative!), and it might be that resonates with the original author of the update or post or someone else that has interacted with it (or even liked!) who might then look at your profile or interact with you (at which point you’d do something like you do in real life surely?).
3) Comments that you make and the original message or post are also shared back to your own level one connections, reminding them about you and what you do – never a bad thing.
4) When you comment on a post and share it with your connections you are also demonstrating that you are engaged, listening and (yes) human – as we all are in real life.

So perhaps going forwards you might think carefully before you ‘like’ and try to comment more. See if it improves the number of people looking at your LinkedIn and your results. Practicing skills makes platforms work, not just being present.

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I Don’t ‘Like’ LinkedIn and I Think You Shouldn’t Either

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