mercredi 6 avril 2016

Secrets of How to Outsource Content Writing (So Your Readers Never Know!)

Many times when I tell someone that I’m a “ghostblogger” and write blogs for other people’s small businesses, their initial reaction is, “You can do that?”

I actually had a fellow small biz owner tell me that outsourcing her blogging and other content creation felt like cheating…

But guess what?

This is an industry secret, that people may not want you to know, but many of the Internet’s biggest names outsource at least some of their content. Neil Patel does it. Jon Morrow, Copyblogger, and many other big names in my industry do it — whether they post it under their own name or not.

And, my clients, who run 6 and 7-figure online businesses, do it (I’d tell you who some of them are, but then I’d have to kill you — because it’s their decision whether or not to reveal that info, not mine).

In other words, outsourcing some or all of your content production, especially as you grow, is a common industry practice.

But how do you do it well?

What can you outsource content writing for?

There are different kinds of content writers based on the kind of content you want written.

There are people who generalize and will write any kind of content you like, but more often, writers tend to specialize in one or a few kinds of copywriting.

P.S. Copy is anything written in your business. Like, anything — from your tweets to your sales pages.

Specialties I know of include:

  • website copy
  • sales page copy
  • email autoresponder sequences
  • blog posts
  • guest blog posts (posts that go on other people’s sites)
  • social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • ad copy
  • ebooks, lead magnets, and whitepapers
  • course materials
  • scripts for videos, webinars, presentations, etc.
  • full-length books (digital or print)
  • press releases
  • conversion optimization (testing and tweaking your text to convert better)

And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

The point is, there are as many specialty copywriters as there are kinds of copy, and that’s because it takes different skills to be really good at each. Someone who writes killer long-form blog posts and articles may have trouble writing short, compelling Facebook ads or tweets — and vice versa.

So, depending on what you want to outsource, you may need more than one writer. (If you find someone who can do it all — expect to pay accordingly!)

Which leads me to my next point:

How to outsource content writing — that sounds like you

The first thing to remember is that I believe it is a copywriter’s job to sound like you (or, like you dialed up to 11). If they can’t do that job, it doesn’t matter how nice they are, how cheap they are, or how much you like their style — they’re not a good fit.

The last thing you want is to work with a writer who creates a bunch of copy for you in their own voice and then (for whatever reasons) disappears and isn’t available the next time you need something!

When that happens, you end up with a very disjointed voice and brand, because you can’t mimic what they were writing for you on your own.

I’ve seen this happen where someone hires a copywriter to write their website copy — but then their blogs are obviously a completely different style or voice. And this isn’t just what happens with small businesses or small copywriters, either; I have seen extremely well known (and friggin expensive) copywriters who write everything in their own voice; and their clients end up sounding like everyone else who has hired them!

To ensure that never happens to you:

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  • Start by creating a brand voice style guide for your business. It should include things like: acceptable variations of your business name and tagline(s), a description of your tone, words you love to use, words you NEVER use, etc.
  • Ask some biz buddies to help you define your voice if you’re not totally sure. Ask them how they would describe your tone of voice for your brand.
  • Identify what you like — and DON’T like — about your writing voice. Some clients come to me and feel like they sound too corporate for their niche; so they don’t necessarily want me to sound just like they do, but rather as they would like to sound. Just be wary of this; if you change your entire brand voice by working with a copywriter, you may be stuck always working with a copywriter from here on out.
  • Think about your ideal customer when you’re trying to define your voice. Would they relate more to friendly, conversational language, or businessy-corporate language?
  • Shop around to find a good copywriter. If you love the way their website is written, and it sounds similar to your tone, that’s a good place to start, but ask for examples (called “clips” in the writing world) that show off how they can take on different voices. Pro tip: If all of their examples sound pretty much the same, move on. You want someone who can sound different in different situations. And by the way, there are copywriters charging $10,000 or more for website copy that all sounds the same, to me, so this isn’t a matter of cost or experience, but the writer’s style and ability.
  • Do they offer a process for helping find or define your brand voice? If you are uncertain about how to define it yourself, this could be a good investment.
  • Ask about the writer’s process. How do they get to know your business and your voice? Do they interview you or have you fill out some kind of intake form? It would be a BIG red flag for me if they just dive in without knowing much about you or your biz.
  • Ask if you can do a “test” before you jump into a big project — or at least understand when/how/if you can back out of the contract. It’s a big leap of faith to sign on with a writer, especially for a long-term project. So I always offer a “test” post to my ghostblogging clients. We do the intake interview, and then craft one post for them; if the client is happy, it rolls into their first month’s fee; if they’re not happy, we just charge for the hours spent and go on our merry way. Pro tip: Don’t expect to get a “test” for free — the point is not to get freebies, but to make sure you’re a good fit before you sign a contract.

In short, you want to make sure your copywriter is a good fit before you fork over a huge bunch of cash for a big project. But you also need to do your own due diligence as well. Take the time to create a voice style guide, and I promise you, whoever you hire will be thrilled to work with you.

It is your copywriter

OK, cool. But what does it cost??

Like most things in life, you get what you pay for when it comes to copywriting.

I assume you know that you could go over to Fiverr and pay someone five bucks to write you 1,000 tweets or something—

—but I assume you also know that the quality of what you get for $5 is going to be marginal, at best.

Think of it this way: you can buy a pair of pants at Wal-Mart or at Nordstrom and pay very different prices. But the quality you get will be just as different.

Here’s what you need to know about pricing:

  • Copywriters may price themselves differently depending on what they do and what their background is. Journalists are used to getting paid by the word (expect $0.25—$1.00 per word) whereas people from other backgrounds might charge by the hour (expect anywhere from $30/hr—$150/hr and up). Lots of writers are moving towards package rates, which is usually better for everyone involved; just know exactly what you get in the package, including how many rounds of revisions it includes.
  • A lot of different factors go into their prices, from experience to availability. (If they can only take two projects a month, they’re going to have to charge more.) Also, if you’re getting more than just writing — like strategy, branding advice, etc. — expect to pay more.
  • Editing is usually less expensive than writing, so if you just need someone to help you polish, this is a budget-friendly way to go.
  • A good VA can write tweets and Facebook updates from your blog posts or other content. Expect to pay $20/hr and up for a qualified VA. (Pro tip: A VA from overseas, like the Philippines, might be awesome for other tasks, but I wouldn’t ask them to write for you.)
  • Prices for blog posts really vary. There are services out there that charge as little as $89 for 4 posts per month. Personally, I would never pay less than $100 a post for a short post.
  • Generally speaking, the longer the content, the more you will pay. A 2,000-word blog post with tons of research will cost you more than a quick 500-word blog post. Kapost suggests budgeting at least $2,000 for a long-form article or blog post.
  • Likewise, the more important the copy, the more you will pay. Sales copy is more important to your business — and hopefully has a higher ROI — and therefore tends to cost more.
  • If you sign a contract or agree to a large project of some sort, you can usually expect some kind of package discount. It’s perfectly fine to say something like, “I see that you normally charge $150 per blog post; what can you do for me if I agree to getting four posts a month for the next six months?”

Finally, remember that content is an investment in your business just like any other investment. If you cheap out on content creation, it’s just as bad for biz as cheaping out on the source materials you use to create your product, or the equipment you use to run your business.

That said, it’s perfectly fine to start slowly! Identify what tasks will free up the most time for you, and then run some numbers to see if it makes sense for you to outsource those particular tasks. Maybe you love tweeting but hate the hours it takes you to write a blog post — or vice versa.

A potential client came to me recently wanting to outsource some of her blog tasks, and after I gave her my estimate, she said she wanted to run the numbers. She emailed me just a couple of hours later and said, “You know what? If this frees me up to work with even one more 1:1 client each week, it’s worth it. Let’s do it.”

And that’s REALLY what it comes down to: Will outsourcing some of your content creation free you up to work on the things that only you can do in your business, most specifically, those things that make you money?

If so, I believe it’s worth your time to find a writer who can put on your voice and create some content that sounds just like you.

And the first step is defining your voice. I have an affordable DIY workbook to help you do just that — click here for more information.

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Secrets of How to Outsource Content Writing (So Your Readers Never Know!)

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