mardi 16 août 2016

5 Quick Ways to Brainstorm Your Next Blog Topic

There’s a helpless feeling that comes with staring at a blank Word document when you begin writing something. The awful blinking cursor seems to mimic the second hand on a clock while you try and fail to come up with words to type. To avoid this situation as much as possible, constantly brewing up new ideas is a must.

Here are some quick ways to brainstorm your way out of writer’s block and into publishing peace.

  1. Experience New Things

Getting stuck in a daily routine makes it nearly impossible to come up with new ideas, but putting yourself in a different environment will allow you to be inspired by new surroundings. Whenever you get the chance, take a stroll or visit a new area. Meeting new people and having interesting conversations will also give you different perspectives and spark new ideas.

2. Ask Your Readers

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When it comes to your content, your audience’s opinion is the most important. The topics you come up with won’t always win over your readers, so allowing them to comment on your posts and engage with your writing will help you in the future. Asking them directly what your next topic should be will point you in the right direction and get you closer to your readers.

3. Change Older Topics

To build on an idea, your old post doesn’t need to be rendered obsolete. Revisiting an old idea might give you a new or even opposing view and lead to an entirely new post. For example, a topic like “How Office Environments Affect Creativity” can be spun into “Best Places to Inspire Creativity.” Comments from your readers from an old post are a good source when coming up with ways to continue previous ideas.

4. Check Social Media

Using social media as a news source is always frowned upon, but it is the hub for finding out what people are currently discussing. Checking out the trending hashtags on Facebook and Twitter can inspire new topic ideas and is a guaranteed way to write about something timely. You can also share the post on social media and use the hashtag, which could get you new readers.

5. Read Other Blogs

Don’t isolate yourself with your own content. Taking the time to read similar blogs and see what other people are coming up with will make your content more well-rounded. You could be inspired by other bloggers and get the chance to connect with them so you can bounce ideas off of each other.

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5 Quick Ways to Brainstorm Your Next Blog Topic

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