mercredi 24 août 2016

Building Trust in Omnichannel Retailing

Recently a survey conducted by Periscope found that over 50% of both US and UK consumers shop online via a computer. With a growing interest in online shopping, retailers have never been more concerned with providing omnichannel customer experiences. Consumers are constantly demanding new omnichannel features of convenience such as “instantly ordering items that are out of stock in-store via phone for at home delivery” or “selecting items online and be directed to them in a store.”

While it’s encouraging that consumers are interested in the transition to omnichannel, many are still leery of giving out their personal information due to possible security issues. A study conducted by the design firm “frog” evaluated the value consumers around the world associate with various types of personal data. Here is what they had to say:

putting a price on data - Timothy Morey, Theodore Theo Forbath, and Allison Schoop

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With consumers placing a high value on their personal information, retailers need to address this hurdle as they transition to omnichannel models. So what’s the best way to acclimate consumers to world of omnichannel? It is crucial that retailers build trust and transparency, as well as prove how effective they can be at ensuring the security of personal data. Here’s the best ways to build trust with your consumers in order to create the best possible omnichannel experience.

Educate – Consumers know that giving their data will help to make a more personalized shopping experience (which most people like), but they can’t completely trust you if they don’t understand where their data is going. Be transparent by giving them information on what the data may be used for and always give the option to change their mind by revoking or granting access to their data. It’s important to align your policies on all channels.

Deliver Value – Since consumers place a high value on their personal information, they are more likely to trust a company if they receive something of value in return. Personalization, loyalty cards, and exclusive discounts are the best ways to deliver value, increase your engagement with customers, and highlight their importance to your brand.

One retailer who is delivering value to their customers, on every channel, is Tommy Hilfiger. Tommy offered an exclusive discount for students in-store and needed a way to bring the discount online. With eligibility verification technology Tommy was able to offer exclusive student discounts and ensure that only current students could redeem the offer. They were able to do this by simply asking their name, school, date of birth, and email address. By bringing their offer online, they are not only able to offer students value through the discount, but they are also able to personalize future campaigns specifically for students. See their Success Story here.

Overall, transitioning to omnichannel is a huge competitive advantage for retailers, but you cannot forget to acclimate your consumers along the way. Retailers must educate their customers and provide value in order to earn their trust, and the more a consumer trusts a brand, the easier the adoption of omnichannel processes will be.

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Building Trust in Omnichannel Retailing

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