Congratulations! You feel like you’ve finally got a handle on this whole content marketing thing.
Now that you’re churning out awesome content, you need to make sure your target audiences are actually seeing and consuming the pieces you’ve created for them.
Use this handy social media distribution checklist to figure out what to do on which platform, when to share and how often to post.
Share the blog post as a status update.
What to do: Get the word out to your LinkedIn network. Just like Facebook, LinkedIn allows users to share their blog post as status updates to the main news feed. LinkedIn will automatically populate the post title, image and short preview text, but you’re able to edit the title and preview text, if need be. This option is perfect for brand pages, as well as individuals.
When to do it: Right away! Once you publish the post, within the next day or so, share it on LinkedIn.
How often to post: Once for each blog post
Republish the post on LinkedIn through their Publishing platform.
What to do: LinkedIn sometimes gives more attention to posts shared through their publishing platform, meaning more eyes will see your work. Simply copy and paste your post in its entirety to LinkedIn’s publishing platform, upload a header photo and select tags. Pro tip: include a link back to the original blog post or other blog posts on a similar topic to drive traffic back to your website. Currently, only individuals are able to post through LinkedIn’s publishing platform, so if you’re a brand or company looking to post, select a spokesperson to publish the post on their personal profile.
When to do it: Let the post live on your own blog for at least 2-3 weeks. After that, it’s fair game to republish on LinkedIn.
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How often to post: Once for each blog post. Similarly, not *every* post needs to be republished, so choose wisely.
Tweet it out.
What to do: Twitter can be an amazing platform for sharing your blog posts. Draft a creative tweet that explains what your blog post is about, include a shortened link to the post and if space allows, upload an image, to increase engagement. Be sure the image is sized appropriately for Twitter – 440 pixels wide.
When to do it: Right after publishing the blog post. Twitter is generally the first place I think to share a newly-published post.
How often to post: OFTEN. Twitter moves very quickly; in fact, the lifecycle of a tweet is quite short. If someone doesn’t see your tweet within approximately 15-20 minutes after posting, they almost certainly won’t see it at all. That means, Twitter is the one social platform where it’s okay and even encouraged to post often. However, that doesn’t mean you can copy and paste the same tweet over and over again. For each blog post you write, draft 3-5 different tweets and schedule them out over the next several days using a tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. I like to tweet about an individual blog post at least once a day for the first three weeks to a month after publishing.
What to do: Share your post on your brand or personal Facebook page. Sometimes I like to pull a compelling sentence or quote from the post; other times I’ll pose a question. If you’re posting on a brand page, consider putting a bit of money behind certain posts to “boost” them and give them even more visibility to a targeted audience.
When to do it: Promote your post on Facebook within the first few days it’s live on your blog. Consider your Facebook audience when posting; for example, does your audience typically hang out on Facebook at night? During the workday?
How often to post: Once or twice, max. Be sure to spread the posts out if posting multiple times.
What to do: Your blog post should already have a compelling visual, so you’re all set there. Be sure to pin your post to Pinterest. Pro tip: consider joining collaborative boards specific to your industry. Once approved, you can pin your blog posts to their boards, as well, further increasing your reach and possibility to be repinned.
When to do it: Shortly after publishing your post. If you’re pinning to more than one board, spread out the pinning by at least a few hours, if not a couple of days.
How often to post: One time per blog post.
What to do: Know that handy visual you already have on your blog that you’ve shared to Pinterest? Re-size it for Instagram and share here, too. You can change the link in your profile to the link of the blog post for the next few days to encourage your followers to check out the post.
When to do it: Anytime within the first few days after publishing your post.
How often to post: One time only.
What to do: Snapchat remains a mystery to many brands, but it isn’t difficult to create a Snapchat story. Take a photo of your blog post and get in front of the camera and talk about some key points from the post to engage with your Snapchat following in a different way.
When to do it: The day the blog post is published. Snapchat generally stays very current.
How often to post: You’ll probably only talk about each blog post once, but use this strategy every time you publish a blog post to keep consistent.
Yes, we realize we just added about an hour’s worth of work to your plate, but we also promise that by following this checklist, you’ll increase the chances of your hard work being seen by your prospective customers or clients. Get to it!
Your Content Marketing Social Media Distribution Checklist
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