mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Software Leads from Modern Legends

Dwayne Johnson’s Hercules may not have been the best film out there but watching it really hit a lot of nails when it comes to the power of marketing. That’s right. At the risk of spoilers, one integral part of the film’s whole plot was the marketing capacity of Hercules’ entire group.

You can use the most advanced, home-grown technology to acquire software leads. But at the heart of it all, marketing is still an ancient tradition that uses stories in order to build reputation. They did it in Hercules’ time. You’re still doing it today.

Why is this significant?

Software Leads from Modern Legends image hercules poster features a pissed off dwayne johnson 202x300 Another example comes from the icons of innovation. From Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, the industry is full of historical figures that have reached their own legendary status. It’s significant because it goes back to an age-old truth in business. Action starts up the fame but it is better that you keep fanning that fire. Many will say that this is done with more action but it’s also just as effective to use a little embellishment and creativity to really grab people’s attention.

Reputation makes for easier selling.

One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Iolaus pitches what merely appears to be typical Hercules-related merchandise to the Thracian army. Cut to a few minutes later though and this merchandise apparently is of surprisingly higher quality than what the army has in it its stores.

What you see here is an ideal picture of products and reputation working hand in hand. Bad products and good pitching only leads to hype. But poor pitching despite good products leads to others undervaluing your proposition. What’s the point of hoping prospects will ‘see it for themselves’ when they don’t even have the time to bother? That’s why the best businesses need both good products and good marketing. You have to pitch to your prospects so they can then see for themselves.

It makes the ‘truth’ easier to bear

Finally, the theme of the movie itself can also be applied. Sometimes the truth doesn’t always match up to the legend. But in the end, Herc and his comrades still managed to pull of successful missions and reap the benefits of spreading the hero’s name (or in the modern sense, their brand) all over Greece.

Similarly, sometimes a CRM or ERP solution isn’t as easy as you made it sound on your web banner. But with dedication and good practice, it generally leads up to it anyway. This is still much more preferable than excessively demystifying your solution before your prospect even has the chance to give you a shot.

Software Leads from Modern Legends

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