dimanche 1 février 2015

6 Terrific Tips on Social Posting to Engage Your Audience

Looking for ways to engage with your audiences on social media? Wondering how to write copy that will make them read your social updates? I’ve got six terrific tips on how you can get noticed and keep the conversations going on your social networks.

Write persuasive copy

When it comes to social media posts, writing persuasive copy to go in a Facebook caption, a Tweet or an Instagram, is like writing a catchy headline. You have to be able to write copy that is so irresistible that they can’t help but click on the call-to-action. The truth is, people will not read all the lovely content you create. They will skim and scan. Here’s a really helpful article by Courtney Seiter on 8 Winning Headline Strategies and the Psychology Behind Them.

Use Keywords

With so much content, hyperlinks, videos alongside text and interactivity everywhere, it is very easy to hop around. Michael S. Rosenwald says that “our brains form shortcuts to deal with it all — scanning, searching for key words, scrolling up and down quickly.” Knowing that, make sure you are focusing on the right keywords. When people can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll use the search bar to type in the keywords. Make sure you use the right ones to represent your content to be found.


Another way people will use search is through hashtags. Use hashtags in a smart way to increase exposure for your work. Here are some tools to help you get started on which hashtags to use when you are posting to social media.







Posting at the right time can save a lot of heartbreak when you’re ready to share content that you put a lot of work into. I found an infographic by Quicksprout on the best times to post to social media. Neil Patel has followed these guidelines and has seen an increase in social media traffic by up to 39%. Our tool, Atomic Reach, help optimize content so that you can receive more web and social traffic.

What Are The Best Times to Post on Social Media

Courtesy of: Quick Sprout

Ask questions

Ask a question related to the content you’re sharing. Here are some good openers by Kimberly Grimms:

  • “Do you know how many people…?”

  • “Do you know the easy way to…?”

  • “Are you having trouble with…?”

  • “Do you ever wonder why…?”

People love helping others so feel free to ask for help online. Here are some examples of the questions that will garner engagement:

  • “Can you recommend a good…?”

  • “Where can I find a…?”

  • “What can I do about…?”

Use emoticions

Don’t be afraid to use emoticons. Nowadays, emoticons make you appear friendlier, grow your social media popularity, and even make you happier offline! Even in the workplace, it has become more acceptable. A study conducted by the University of Missouri-St. Louis discovered that smiley faces in emails made the recipient like the sender more and feel that the sender liked them more. Check out 6 more reasons why you should use emoticons in your social media posts.

Have you used any of these tactics to engage your audiences on social media? Which worked best for you? We’d love to hear some tips from you. Leave them in the comment section below!

6 Terrific Tips on Social Posting to Engage Your Audience

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