jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Boost Your Content Strategy with Twitter Organic Analytics

Advertisers rejoice! Twitter recently announced the launch of a new tool for you to use to better understand your organic presence on their network.

The platform had previously provided advertisers with analytics for promoted tweets, but the data available from organic tweets (tweets that were not promoted through advertising) was extremely basic at best. The recently updated dashboard released by Twitter aims to provide users with a comprehensive view of their efforts on the platform – both paid and unpaid.

Boost Your Content Strategy with Twitter Organic Analytics image Advertising budgets

Consider this: Companies are able to first push out engaging content organically, and analyze the success of each tweet prior to promotion. This way, advertising budgets will be used more effectively, promoting content types that have previously been shown to resonate well with users. The analytics of organic tweets provide a preliminary, cost effective testing phase of content, imagery, and voice PRIOR to ad launch, ensuring that the promoted content speaks to your target market and drives meaningful engagement.

For example, maybe your followers engage well with questions, facts, and short shareable tweets that position your company as a resource within your industry, or maybe users prefer a weekly blog post that your organization releases outlining the latest industry trends. Each company’s content strategy must be tailored to meet their goals, while resonating well with their followers and targeted users.

The New Analytics Will Provide Advertisers with Valuable Insights

Boost Your Content Strategy with Twitter Organic Analytics image Twitter Analytics1 600x297

Tweet performance: Including amount of URL clicks, impressions, engagement, retweets, favorites, app opens, and hashtag clicks just to name a few.

Month to Month Performance Information: In terms of impressions, engagements, and retweets

Overall Metrics: Including retweets, replies, favorites, follows, link clicks, and embedded media clicks

All of these metrics can be exported from the Twitter platform into a CSV file that you can use to drill down into more detailed historical data of your Twitter account’s performance, for more insights on both organic and paid performance. Compare metrics on a tweet-by-tweet basis to see how each piece of content is performing. Boost your engagement (Retweets, mentions, replies, & favorites) and impressions to increase your brand presence on the Twitter platform by taking note of what your audience responds to and then tailoring your new content accordingly.

Once advertisers push content organically (without promoting it with an ad spend), they are able to compare and analyze results, then optimize their content strategy accordingly. When a strong content strategy has been developed and continues to perform, the content strategy would move into the advertising phase with promoted content to drive further engagement based on organic results.

With a deeper understanding of organic and promoted content, businesses will be able to polish their content strategy on Twitter, and increase the overall ROI from their Twitter strategy.

Boost Your Content Strategy with Twitter Organic Analytics

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