samedi 28 mars 2015

How I Ditched My Soul-Sucking Job And Upgraded To A Meaningful Career Working With People I Love…

“Welcome to the working world,” she laughs softly through the phone after I finish spilling the day’s events – I had been on the receiving end of an ambush during a team meeting… from my own co-worker.

“You’ve just had a crash course in corporate politics,” she adds.

We hang up and I’m so confused. My knee-jerk reaction is to accept her words at face value – and cry. I take a second to regroup and put a halt on the water works. I turn her statement around in my head once more and the internal battle fights on:

Welcome to the Working World vs. This Can’t Be How It Is

Every Company Has its Cons vs. Toxic Culture Isn’t Acceptable – Anywhere

Be Happy You Have a Job vs. This Job is Sucking Your Soul – Get Out Now

On the left you’ll find my excuses – they put up a vicious fight and they fight dirty. On the right you’ll find my instincts – they aren’t as boisterous but rather relentless in their wisdom. Each side possesses power – so who wins?

Are You Seeking Advice…or Asking Permission?

Do you ever seek out others’ advice for a big decision?

The intriguing part about seeking others’ advice is that we, ourselves, are already leaning towards an answer – before we even ask for others’ input.

See, we already know what we want to do. We already know the answer. In a lot of ways, seeking others’ advice is really us just asking for permission.

When I realized my job was sucking my soul, I wanted out. So I asked for a lot of permission. I talked to peers, mentors, past co-workers, read articles, and instead of permission, I received a lot of fuel for my excuses.

I Finally Received Permission

About two months later, I came across a guest post on Careerealism written by Ryan Niessen – the CEO at The Gateway Method. Exploring The Gateway Method’s website was like walking through a visual map of my career thoughts, hopes, and dreams.

The only difference is, it actually provides a plan of action to get your dream job , not just think about it. I immediately subscribed and soon thereafter, gold was delivered to my inbox.

I watched a video put together by co-founders, Andrew Hewitt and Ryan Niessen, and they helped me see what I needed most – my own permission. The exact same night, after watching their liberating video, I wrote my resignation letter to my employer.

My instincts had won the battle in my head, putting my excuses to shame. All I needed was a little push – a little permission. With the momentum of the message from Andrew and Ryan’s video, I gave myself permission to do what I wanted to do.

You Can Give Yourself Permission Too

Today, I’m thrilled to report that I actually work with The Gateway Method. Rather than dodging bullets from disgruntled co-workers, I can now share a pat on the back with my team when our hard work and collaboration produces tangible results.

I work with people that are purpose-driven and incredibly determined to succeed.

The bottom line? I found my tribe.

So if you’re looking to be freed from your own soul-sucking job, then I highly recommend you start by watching the same video that changed my life – it really is gold.

And if you’re looking for a job you LOVE with a company that shares your values and appreciates you, a good place to start is the GameChangers500. It’s a list of inspiring “for-benefit” companies that exist to make a profit AND a difference in the world!

Inspiring organizations like Google, TOMS shoes, and Patagonia are all on the list, along with hundreds of lesser-known, but equally amazing companies.

I’m living proof that you don’t have to accept a soul-sucking job. All you have to do is give yourself the permission to get out there and do what you want to do!

Cheers to giving yourself permission to do what you love!

How I Ditched My Soul-Sucking Job And Upgraded To A Meaningful Career Working With People I Love…

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