samedi 2 avril 2016

Create an Emotional Bond with Your Customers and Achieve Their Loyalty

Creating deep, consistent relationships with your core customers will give your business a definite competitive edge as well as improve your bottom line. Brands with emotionally charged marketing messages will stand out in viewers’ minds, making them remember that brand name the next time they have a problem that your products or services will solve.

One of the most challenging things for any business to achieve is brand loyalty for the long term. Thankfully, the world of business marketing now has many more tools and resources at its disposal, thanks to Internet technology. With the right strategy, companies can connect with their customers based on what’s most important to this target audience.

Questions For Chief Marketing Officers to Ask Themselves

When brainstorming messages that will resonate with your target audience, the following questions can create valuable starting points for CMOs to use:

* What’s most important to the company’s target audience?

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* What other brands does this audience often engage with?

* What common lifestyle factors do many of these customers share?

* What common day-to-day problems do these customers face?

When researching your target market, an effective tactic is to take interest in what they share, post, and comment on via their social media networks. If you find other related content you know they’d enjoy, share it with them. This personalized approach will resonate with them and prompt them to share with friends on their online social circles.

Strategies for Creating Emotionally Relatable Marketing Messages

One of the most effective marketing strategies is to figure out what would make daily life a bit easier and more convenient for your target customers. When your messages demonstrate how your products will meet these objectives, your customers will have a clear idea how your brand is indispensable to them.

Another strategy is tied to customer engagement following the launch of a new online marketing campaign. Open up the conversation by eliciting feedback and suggestions from your target customers. You can also give them further incentives to share your marketing content with their online friends, such as special pricing or a digital gift card. These may seem like added expenses, but they can pay off many times over in terms of increased sales. They will reinforce to your customers how much you value them, further building loyalty.

Exceeded Customer Expectations = Customer Loyalty

The bare minimum you can do to stay in business is to meet your customers’ expectations. But if you want to build customer loyalty that lasts, you need to exceed those expectations. This applies to everything from your service approach to your marketing tactics. Your marketing messages provide the perfect opportunity to surprise your customers with campaigns that will appeal to them. Each time you gain a new loyal customer, the work has only begun. Your next essential goal needs to be customer retention, which involves converting a one-time shopper to a loyal brand ambassador for your products and services. More referrals from them can affect your profit margin in a big way.

Your online marketing approach needs to be emotionally meaningful in order to cut through all of the possible distractions competing for your target customers’ attention. This especially holds true if you have a primarily ecommerce website because up to 75% of your site visitors are first-time visitors, and you have a limited window of opportunity to convince them that your business provides better solutions than those of your competitors.

When these first-time visitors make a purchase, be sure to thank them for their business, follow up with them, make additional product recommendations, and share any positive feedback they leave for you across social media. Also give them incentives to follow you on social networks and subscribe to your email newsletter, and reward your loyal followers periodically with special offers. Whenever possible, it works to anticipate when your customers may need to reorder from you and to send them a promotional reminder. These combined marketing tactics will make you stand out in your niche and distinguish your business from all of the competition.

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Create an Emotional Bond with Your Customers and Achieve Their Loyalty

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