vendredi 30 août 2013

4 Simple Tips To Excite Your Fan Base And Ignite Social Engagement

4 Simple Tips To Excite Your Fan Base And Ignite Social Engagement image 4 simple tips to excite your fan base and ignite social engagement

It’s not easy to build excitement within your fan base and increase social engagement. With only so many hours in a day – and with the overwhelming number of social platforms available – it’s worth taking some time to formulate a simple strategy for success.

If you’re falling a little flat with your audience, review these simple tips to get you r business back on its toes…

Embrace social content

Facebook has 1.5 billion users. Google+ is experiencing a surge, having leaped to 343 million monthly users. LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr. The platforms are out there – now it’s a matter of recognizing the type of platform your business needs. Be sure to follow trends and watch what’s working for competitors – but don’t forget to experiment a bit and track what’s working and what’s not.

Sure, finding the right platform is key – but there’s more that goes into it.

Think about what you can do to make sure all those Facebook users don’t pass up your content when scrolling through their news feed. Start speaking with them, not at them. This can mean the difference between accumulating interest or being permanently tuned out.

Welcome your audience into the conversation you want to have with them. Allow them to share their thoughts and opinions with you. Don’t just throw content at your fans and hope it sticks. Make sure communication is fluid and mutual. Always answer comments on the content you post, and respond to incoming tweets. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your fans to think they’re going unheard.

Don’t underestimate the importance of visual appeal

How’s your website looking these days? What kind of graphics are you using on your blog and sharing on social media sites?

If you don’t have answers to these questions, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Your fan base, especially on Facebook, is visual. If you’re not sharing images that capture attention, you’re losing the battle.

Embrace new technology

If you haven’t already, consider incorporating video into your marketing strategy. You could use Animoto to create simple, attention-grabbing videos. Or, you could utilize user-generated video software to capture video testimonials or even host a video contest. Video is more personal and more engaging – and it’s becoming very affordable for even the smallest businesses to use.

The point is this: You should be exploring untapped marketing avenues to maintain a solid, personal relationship with your fan base. Don’t limit yourself, and embrace the latest technology with an open mind.

Don’t always look before you leap

The best businesses realize that fear can be the biggest inhibitor of progress. No one’s recommending that you make rash decisions left and right. Instead, explore new strategies when the opportunity exists. Your fan base will appreciate your efforts vs. sticking to the same, stale tactics.

It was Arianna Huffington who rightly said “Success is not a straight line, it’s much more of a dance and being open to possibilities.”

If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, here’s your invitation.

via Business 2 Community

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