mercredi 28 août 2013

3 Steps to Easy and Effective Goal-Setting

3 Steps to Easy and Effective Goal Setting image goal line 1345878415 7d7d17c409

The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal,

the more assuredly the idea,

buried deep in our subconscious,

will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.

Earl Nightingale

Many people falsely believe and accept that the goals they have set for themselves are far out of reach. Other people seem to think that they are just not very good at setting goals and sticking to them, so they don’t even bother trying. The real problem is usually that the goals are unclear or unrealistic.

The truth of the matter is that no matter where you are in life you can use your current place as a starting point for greater success. But, you will have to learn to set clear, concise, and actionable goals that push you forward and build momentum.

Easy goal-setting

Keep revisiting

The first thing you need to remember is that you will be constantly setting new goals for yourself throughout the course your life. Many people become discouraged because they feel that every time they reach one goal, they find that they still have even more work in front of them. Unless you plan to reach a goal and stand still in that spot for the rest of your life, it is a good thing to always be looking to the horizon and revisiting your goals! Doing this means that you will continue to move forward, become a better person, accomplish greater things, and meet with more successes as you define them.

Achievable steps

When sitting down to set your goals, you should think about where you will be and what you will be doing in a month, six months, a year, five years, and ten years. A problem that many people have is that they set huge goals for five or ten years from now. And, although it is great to have lofty goals, if the goal is too ambitious, or the leap seems too great, you may feel easily intimidated or discouraged by it. For this reason, you need to set smaller goals all along the way so that you can continue to motivate yourself and continue to build up forward momentum.

Short-term goals are just as important as long-term goals, and this is one of the most important things that you should keep in mind when setting goals. Create some smaller goals for yourself every few months so that when you reach them. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and be stoked about reaching the next goal. These shorter-term goals are like stepping stones. They will keep you excited about the future, keep you focused on the end-game, and push you forward in your moments of doubt or frustration.

Use positive affirmations

You can also use the power of affirmations to help you create the positive mindset you need to get things done faster. Affirmations will help you maintain a positive attitude while you work hard to reach each of your goals. Affirmations, in case you don’t know, are short, concise, positive statements that you can repeat to yourself as often as needed to help you reprogram your mind, while focusing on the positive in your life.

As you develop your affirmations, you may want to think about where you want your goals to take you. Where do you want to end up? Examples of goal-setting affirmations can be as simple as, “I am focused on my goals and dreams,” or, “I have well-structured goals and stick to my deadlines.” I know these may seem rather simple and simplistic, but this way of thinking will help you set and reach the important milestones in your life, while making you more resilient to any obstacles along way.

At a loss for affirmations? Join us here every Saturday and Sunday for a weekly boost!

Goal-setting is easy. But easy and effective are not the same thing. Your goal-setting can only effective if you make your goals crystal clear. Know where you want to go. Make actionable steps to get there. Keep yourself primed with a positive mindset. Go forth and conquer!

What is one thing you want to get done before the year in over? Share in the comment section below….

Photo Credit: pinkcigarette via Compfight cc

via Business 2 Community

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