What did we do before Twitter came along? Can you remember the events that led up to July 2006? The 1 billionth song was purchased on iTunes, the 2006 world cup was held in Germany and Shakira told us her hips don’t lie and of course Twitter was born.
I #love Twitter and I’m not just saying that because I work in social media and its what we spend the majority of our day looking at … honestly!
One of the reasons we flock to Twitter is because people really do like talking about themselves, we’re our own favourite topic. In 2012 some of the top topics on Twitter included Tech, TV & Movies, Sports and of course: celebrities.
We’re tweeting whilst going about everyday, mundane activities such as eating breakfast or getting down to your latest jam on iTunes.
We, the general public, are not the only people who have taken to Twitter since its launch in 2006, as the A-Z listers of the celebrity world also signed up in their droves.
Of course celebrities love promoting, I mean talking, about themselves even more than you or I do. They are their own best, or sometimes worst PR machines.
Of course celebrities don’t just like to talk about themselves. In a recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme, several famous faces were ousted in the show for endorsing products on Twitter in return for cold hard cash, shock horror.
Celebrities behaving badly on, or indeed off, Twitter is nothing new and ashamedly can be an enjoyable thing to observe. So sit back, relax and please enjoy our ‘Top 3 celebrity Twitter feuds’.
1. Nicki Minaj v Mariah Carey
The two American Idol judges nearly came to blows during auditions on the popular reality TV show.
The majority of the insults thrown were incomprehensible. However, following the spat, respected journalist Barbara Walters announced on The View that Nicki Minaj had threatened Mariah with a gun.
After the accusation Ms Minaj tweeted (amongst other things) this:
The spat between the two divas did not end there.
During another American Idol show, Mariah supposedly commented on Nicki’s lack of Number 1 hits. To add fuel to this fire celebrity gossip columnist Perez Hilton got involved.
In response Nicki once again took to Twitter and her 16 million followers:
The producers of American Idol must be glad to see the back of both Minaj and Carey.
Season 12 of American Idol had the worst ratings in the shows 12 years history and both singers ‘decided’ not to return to the show for season 13, but to focus on their singing careers.
2. One Direction v The Wanted
British bands have a history of spats, such as the notorious Oasis v Blur ‘90s pre-Twitter rumbles.
Back then in order to be heard stars had the vent their anger to the press. Things got pretty rough between the Britpop bands in the ‘90s and Noel Gallagher told a reporter he hoped Damon Albarn and Blur guitarist Alex James would “catch AIDS and die” … how charming.
Now, despite the cheeky name of the following decade (the naughties), the baby faced boy bands of the 00s haven’t quite reached this level of abuse or insult.
That said, with the 1D boys netting a whopping 63 million Twitter followers between them, you can ensure their spats are being heard. Warning to The Wanted boys: never mess with a 1D fan …
3. Amanda Byne v Everyone
The troubled teen star has been in and out of the media and police cars for the past year.
It’s been quite a destructive and at times disturbing scene of events to witness.
During this time Amanda has taken to Twitter to throw her infamous ‘you’re ugly’ insults at celebrities such as the Obamas.
Yes that’s right, The Obamas. But not only them, also Courtney Love,
Miley Cyrus,
and Jenny McCarthy, among many, many others.
Poor Amanda really doesn’t seem to be in a great place, though recent reports say she’s finally getting the help she needs.
I say lets forget the spats, move on and share the love!
But who’s going to retweet that?
via Business 2 Community http://www.business2community.com/social-media/showbiz-gloves-top-three-celebrity-twitter-spats-0598739?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=showbiz-gloves-top-three-celebrity-twitter-spats
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