lundi 30 juin 2014

Six Secrets behind Crafting a Perfect Headline for your Content

Six Secrets behind Crafting a Perfect Headline for your Content image Six Secrets of Content

Headline or title whatever you may call, is crucial in deciding the fate of your blog in terms of popularity. It is all about gaining ROI from all that hard work you have put into. Headlines have something dramatic and intriguing, making the readers want to click to find out what the blog post is all about. Think about it this way – you will gradually learn that the majority of the readers are probably going to find your post through one of the following ways-

On an average, 8 out of 10 readers read your headline copy, but 2 out of 10 will read the rest. The better your headline, the higher the number of people reading your work. But if visitors are stopping just to read your work at the title, then you are not justifying your work. You need to get them to keep reading, making it compelling.

Always remember your potential readers are busy people and you are competing to get their attention and a share of their valuable time. So what steps should you take to make sure that people CLICK on, READ and SHARE your work?

Here’s what I have for you…

The headline power words

What, which and when?

Make your audiences curious enough to find answers through your post. Ask them a question that piques their interests in finding out the answer. Whenever you ask your reader a question, they are more likely to click the blog post to read more. But be careful. Make sure that your content answers the question thoroughly to avoid disappointing your readers. If they click on a blog post expecting to find an answer to a question and don’t find it, they are less likely to visit your site again.

How to?

When you use ‘how to’ in your title, you’re actually informing readers what you are teaching them in your content. One of the important goals of your content marketing strategy is to give your readers answers to the question and information they are seeking for.


Yet another question ‘why’ in the title shows your readers what you want to tell them and why they should listen to you. The ‘why’ typically tell a story and explain to readers as why the information in the content is important to them.

Irresistible headlines demands structural rules

There is no hard and fast rule that can pinpoint the distinct pattern of headline. However, structural rules can help you get thousands of clicks and shares. So here you go with the structural ideas to reach the widest audiences and boost clicks when you write headlines

  • Know who are you targeting and what problem you are solving by directly addressing the need of your audiences

  • Tell a story and make people curious in your headline. But do not give everything away

  • Make headlines ‘self-referencing’ for your audiences by adding ‘you’ or ‘your’

  • Promise quick and easy to follow instruction, guidelines and advice to the readers

  • Make your headline condensed. Make every word count.

The trigger words does matter

Incorporating triggering words in your title can dramatically increase your click-through rates. These may include

  • Discover

  • Free

  • Easy

  • Amazing

  • Instant

  • Secrets

  • Results

Also, the headlines should relax the expectation on your subject matter. The task can be accomplished by using some provoking adjectives which are fun, free, strange, and different, easy and essential.

Readers enjoy reading headings that begin with free, secrets or discover… trust me, it’s a proven strategy. Try it out. It works!

Short and simple- that’s the trick

Creating titles that are optimized, powerful and benefit driven yet short and simple makes a huge difference to your online content. As said earlier, your customers have short attention span and are often busy, so you have less time to entice them. Read the following two titles:

‘World Cup gear up for spring’

Yohoooo! The World Cup Mania all around’

I suggested these two titles for my blog post. It has been observed that the second headline generated the maximum readers. Yes, of course the A/B testing was pretty helpful for measuring the results. It shows how members of your audiences actually act when they don’t know that they’re being tested.

Choosing the right approach gets you there

Learn the different ways to approach a title. The basic ideas involves

Being Sensationalism: a great tactic to make big claims to drive the reader’s curiosity. However, make sure you back up these claims

Being Controversial: taking a strong stand on any issues is an effective strategy when it comes to driving traffic to your content

Being a problem solver: another effective tactic that blog post offer to solve the problems that your customers may be having. This go a long way to ensuring you become a trustworthy brand.

Don’t confuse the dessert as appetizer

Like most marketing techniques, content marketing requires audiences to go a long way on a journey with the business. And this requires more than one step, or sometimes several. If you give all your information at one go, few will stick around long enough to get deeply engaged in your story. Let me make it simple for you- when I was trying to optimize the headline of graph of the week newsletter email, I realized that I had placed the graph in the middle of the email, but did not include any analysis behind the graph. Therefore, when the subscribers opened the email, they’d see data, but no information to make it meaningful. Actually, the mistake was, I served them the dessert first, without offering them the main meal. Once again, the A/B tested the email newsletter with the graph and one without it. It was found that the post without the graph achieved a 20 percent increase in click-through rate.

A good news for all of you! You can also find online tools to craft a killer title for your blog post. What else do you need to entice your audiences from the get –go? I am sure these are more than enough.

via Business 2 Community

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