jeudi 28 août 2014

7 Must Have Features of a Content Curation Tool

The profusion of Content Curation tools and Content Marketing tools in the marketing may be overwhelming. Specially if you are just new in the block of Social Media or trying to get things nice and working and still keeping time for your other tasks.

We try to talk to our customers as much as we can, and we asked them what are their “must have” features for a Content Curation tool. We contrasted these data with some posts (most things matched) on this theme and this is what we got:

7 Must Have Features of a Content Curation Tool image groupiest Content curation Must Have 3 600x485

What a professional looks for when s/he choosing a Content Curation tool?

1. Has to provide you good content

This is the absolute number one. Otherwise, why bother on a Content Curation tool?

The whole purpose of using one of these tools is to save time, right? Researching for content is a terrible time drainer, and provides huge gaps for distraction and procrastination.

For marketers, the content must be:

- Relevant (i.e, about the keywords and themes they talk about/ their brand is about)

- From multiple sources. These tools, as they use other algorithms to search the web, widen your search power and help you discover new sources and pages, outside your filter bubble.

2. Has to be consistent

The good content must be delivered in a regular basis. It’s really frustrating to arrive at a content tool dashboard and see the same old contents you had the other day. And if you curate a topic that is hard to find, it’s a relief to know that the tool will certainly have found something new and good.

A content curation tool has to be trustworthy and deliver what they promise.

3. Gives you space to add your insight.

Being a Content Curator or using your brand profile as a voice for this kind of content demands you have space to add your own thoughts and perspectives.

How else you are becoming a thought leadership? By thinking and writing, at least a little bit your unique view of the subject. It’s a good thing a content curator that turns the spotlights to YOUR BRAND.

Providing a space, or at least some integration with other platforms (maybe your blog or your website) than current social media is a must.

4. You’ve got the POWER.

The curator and only the curator should have the final word on what gets shared or not. Well, maybe the CEO can give his/her opinion on it about some particular or polemic items. But the point is: the decision is your or your team’s. Not the tool’s.

You can have competitors doing amazing Content Marketing about your topic. And that’s great. But you, and your strategy are the ones that decide what goes out there, under the avatar of your brand.

My Brand, my site, my rules.

5. Keeps things legal

Copyright is a bitch. Internet is huge, but every now and then, there’s that weird new that someone used someone’s else content without authorization and outside the limits of the fair use. It’s something that happens even in the best universities of the world. Why wouldn’t it happen in the Internet?

But neither you, neither your brand are content thieves. You want to stay inside the fair use rules and help those people that worked so hard to create that amazing content. You want them to get their fair share of audience and attention for such a great work they did. The original source always has to be quoted. And your content curation tool can help a good deal on it.

6. Lets you share in multiple platforms and social networks

There’s no point on keeping all the knowledge to yourself. Interesting and useful things are made for sharing. Social buttons, in this case, are pure happiness.

And if you can edit your curation, adapting the language for each social media site, it’s a bonus.

7. Offers Feedback and Statistics

Having feedback is highly appreciated when working with Content Marketing. Besides the reward feeling that someone reads and appreciate what you write, it’s good to know which kind of contents perform better than others, either in terms of visits, shares, comments, etc.

If your tool is able to generate (or integrate other tools that generate it), you’re in good company.


The main purpose about using a content curation tool is to save time searching and deliver great content for your community easily. It has to help you discover, share and engage with your audience.

We think Groupiest has the most of these characteristics, besides a nice support team, available to help you solve any question you may have.

What about you? What are your must-have characteristis you look for when looking for a Content Curation tool?

7 Must Have Features of a Content Curation Tool

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