lundi 30 mars 2015

How To Draw More Attention On Pinterest

A recent article titled 7 Ways to Attract More Attention on Pinterest written by Brian Honigman describes that Pinterest is known for its organic marketing and applying the right tactics makes it easier to increase your popularity. Here are several ways to get your pins better exposure and stronger Pinterest presence.

Create Rich Pins

Basically, Pinterest depends on remarkable and amazing visual content yet even awesome photos and fantastic discoveries have hard time to stand out among the millions of pins uploaded every day.

Use rich pins that will allow you to add context and additional information depending on the type you will use. Currently there are six kinds of pins: apps pins, place pins, article pins, product pins, recipe pins and movie pins. Product pin is the most popular among the marketers. Product pins allow you to include a Buy Now link as well as pricing and promotion information right within the pin itself. Also, Pinterest sends a notification email to users when the price changes for a product they’ve liked or repinned.

Try Promoted Pins

Pinterest says that promoted pins are just as good as organic pins and sometimes better. Promoted pins receive engagement almost the same with that of regular posts.

While promoted pins are a new feature, they’re worth trying out. As with all advertising, it’s best to try with different options. Test various images, copy and even categories, and then pick the ones that work best for you. Promoted pins offer the option to pay for additional exposure for your content.

Join Group Boards

Group boards (also called collaborative boards) allow you to invite contributors to add their own pins to a common board. Joining these selected group boards greatly benefit marketers by leveraging the contributors’ influence and following.

Create a Remarkable Style

One way to set your pins unique is to create a noticeable style and stick with it. Your template can be as bold as adding your logo or other identifying mark to all of your pins, or as subtle as sticking to certain aesthetic markers like lighting, angles or typography.

Repin Other Users’ Content

Pinning your own promotional content is a big faux pas and Pinterest aggressively warns users against doing this. Instead, they recommend to repin relevant content from other users with interests and quality content that complement your brand and products.

Substantial sharing not only provides excellent supplementary content for your followers, but it also promotes beneficial relationships with other users. The simple act of repinning can lead to partnerships with influential pinners.

Optimize Pins for Mobile Devices

According to the latest usage data from Pinterest, 75% of all users access the platform from a mobile device. To optimize your images for mobile devices, make sure they’re large enough to view on a small screen. This is particularly important for images that include text.

How To Draw More Attention On Pinterest

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