jeudi 30 janvier 2014

What Do People Respond to Most on Social Media?

What Do People Respond to Most on Social Media? image A picture is worth a thousand wordsCheck out your Facebook feed right now. Go on, do it! What do you see? On mine right now, I see countless selfies, but also someone asking for help finding a specific game for her son, an Amazon ad, a fill in the blank question from a children’s clothing company that I follow, and a friend who likes Crate and Barrel, so now I see their ads, too. So what exactly will I (or anyone else) respond to the most when it comes to social media?

While of course the answer is going to be different for everyone, there are a few things that we can count on people replying to, sharing, or just generally interacting with. As individuals, we want people to interact with us on Facebook and other social media, but it doesn’t necessarily make or break our bottom line. Such is not the case for businesses – generally, those who interact with companies on social media are more likely to make purchases and become long time customers.

Here are a few slam dunks when it comes to posting content for your business that people will respond to:

Interesting visuals

You know that old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words?” Well, it certainly still rings true on social media. Posting images, videos, graphics, infographics, or images will draw more eyes to your page – in fact photos on Facebook generate 53% more likes than the average post. Make sure that these things are relevant to your business before posting, though! There’s nothing odder than a picture of a puppy chomping a bone on the Microsoft page (or similar). Make sure that your visuals make sense!

Contests, promotions, or free stuff

People love free! I’d say it’s been that way since the beginning of time, and will continue on forever. There’s no easier way to get people to visit your page than to give something away. The same goes for sales or promotions – people love a deal almost as much as they love free stuff.

Ways to interact

I posted above that one of the things I saw on my feed was one of my favorite kids’ brands posting a fill-in-the-blank type question. While there’s nothing in it for me to answer their question, it is nice to feel like they care what I have to say – one of the many great ways for businesses to win their customers’ love.

via Business 2 Community

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