mardi 22 mars 2016

5 Ways to Build Up a Relationship With Your Customers

Building a relationship with your customers is something that practically every marketing guide harps on about. The problem is many businesses still have little idea how they are going to go about doing this. Building up a relationship with your customers is difficult and it does take time to get long-term relationships.

A single wrong move can cause a lot of damage. Research says that it takes 12 positive experiences to repair the damage caused by a single negative experience.

This guide is going to show you five of the ways to build relationships for a healthy future with your customers.

Communication is a Contact Sport

Communication is something that you should be doing readily and often. If you have not made a sale after two interactions, this doesn’t mean that you are never going to make a sale. It usually means that you have to keep trying until they firmly tell you that they’re not interested.

Don’t be scared to have regular email exchanges with your customers. The occasional one may turn you away, but the majority of customers want businesses to be interested in them and their affairs. It makes them feel as if they are important.

Make it About Them

Say anything about sales and most people assume that you are going to be performing a sales pitch in the hope that someone will buy something. This is not a way to create a relationship. A relationship is a two-way thing and a sales pitch is just you speaking to someone who probably isn’t listening half way through the email.

Building a relationship should involve making it mainly about them. Ask them about how they are doing and what the biggest challenges are in their lives. Identify with them. Some interactions will involve just getting an update on them and their businesses.

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That isn’t a wasted call. It’s keeping you at the forefront of their minds.

Be a Problem Solver

You want your products to genuinely work and you want to make a difference to the lives of your customers. If not, then you need to change your thinking. Your products should be solving real problems and they should be making a difference to the lives of people who buy them.

To become a problem solver means that you should be gearing your interactions towards the issues that customers are experiencing. This is why you will be spending most of your time talking to customers about the main obstacles they are facing.

Bring it all back to your product and what you can do to help. You are not selling you are providing advice.

Be Patient

It takes longer than ever before to build a relationship. More than ever you should be treating customer relationships like a date. Realize that it takes time to build. You should be willing to spend days and even weeks on bigger potential leads.

If you are letting customers go after just a few interactions, you are potentially leaving a lot of money on the table.

Continue the Relationship

It’s a mistake to believe that the relationship ends after you secure a purchase. Yes, you have the customer’s money and they have your product or service. But now is the time to consolidate the major breakthrough you have made. Think about how you are going to continue the relationship.

Your most loyal customers will buy absolutely everything you release. That practically guarantees a certain level of income before your new product gains any traction.

Most large companies survive based on the number of loyal customers they have. This is why automation sequences with email lists are so effective. They prevent the relationship from cooling and they remind people that they exist.

Here are some ways to continue the relationship:

Review – Send an email after the person has bought the product and ask them what they think of it. You can ask them to post a review or to simply reply to your email.

Send Regular Updates About Your Company – Updating them on what you’re doing is one way to make sure that they remember who you are. Most customers who buy from you will probably have signed up to your list anyway.

An Invitation to Talk – Sometimes it’s enough to just send an email asking them about how they’re doing and whether you can help with anything. The invitation may be politely declined, but customers will be grateful that you contacted them in the first place.

These five tips should get you well on your way to building strong customer relationships. How will you gain results today?

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5 Ways to Build Up a Relationship With Your Customers

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