mercredi 23 mars 2016

6 Quotes For An Inspired Inbound Marketing Strategy

From investing the right amount of time to taking action instead of getting stuck in a planning rut, these quotes from entertainers, business owners and innovators will help you in your marketing efforts. Whether you need a lift, need a jolt of motivation or just want confirmation you’re doing the right thing, one of these inspiring quotes may be just what you need to get moving.


1. “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”

–Steve Jobs

It truly takes time to develop a catalog of content that educates and informs your prospects. One great piece is a good start, but if you want readers to keep returning, then you need to consistently offer usable, interesting, and valuable content on an ongoing basis. A single viral piece, pin, tweet or blog will attract attention for a short period of time, but consistently posting helpful content on an ongoing basis is what truly makes you a success.

Positioning yourself as a true expert and thought leader takes time – and a volume of helpful and informative content doesn’t happen overnight. The continual effort you put into your inbound marketing campaigns will definitely pay off well over time.

2. “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

— Will Rogers

Great ideas and visions only get you so far; if you don’t act on them, they’ll surely pass you by. If you dream about ways to boost your visibility and ensure that your business truly shines but don’t take the time to plan a course of action and implement them, you’ll ultimately fall short and way behind your competitors. Great marketing campaigns start with great ideas for sure, but they also need a carefully planned execution backed by a realistic strategy and an actionable plan to succeed. And, going back to number one, success takes time so start now!

3. “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

— Walt Disney

You know him for the Disney empire and marketing machine of today, but Walt Disney actually experienced multiple failures before eventually succeeding with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. From a failed movie studio venture to years of lost work when the rights to Oswald the Rabbit were taken by his then employer, Universal Studios. Persevering and continuing to dream long after most people would have given up, Walt Disney is now synonymous with entertainment. Daring to not only dream big, but persevere in the face of obstacles will help you come out on top, even in a crowded field. Same goes for inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is needs a proactive approach to trends (good or bad). Because inbound marketing enables you to keep tabs of and analyze different facets of your campaign, you are able to adjust your strategy at every possible course and steer it in the right direction. There’s no failing if you are armed with the right information and the right strategy to bounce back from dips.

4. “Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”

–Tony Hsieh

If you are overly focused on bringing in the next sale and the next immediate lead, you will miss out on some of the fundamental benefits of inbound marketing. By sharing your passion for a topic you not only bring prospects to your properties, you also position yourself as an expert and someone to turn to in a time of need. Moreover, you build a loyal following around your brand organically, just by being you and by sincerely sharing your passions in the industry. True passion shines through in every content you create and share, so make sure to let the enthusiasm as well as the knowledge show to influence your target audience and become an effective ambassador for your business.

5. “Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.”

– Babe Ruth

When was the last time you created fresh, sharable content that readers and viewers couldn’t resist? How about strategy? When was the last time you accounted for change sin algorithm, the latest industry news, new target personas or changes in audience preference and behavior?

If you are still relying on the same strategy over and over again, you’re likely falling short of your goals. Make a commitment to continually create home run campaigns to ensure a fresh stream of visitors and a consistent interest in your brand and what you have to say. Failing to do so will definitely give your competitors leverage to outshine you in every possible way.

6. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

–Maya Angelou

At the end of the day, inbound marketing is about valuable giving — sharing information, educating your target audience, piquing their interest and engaging with them in a two-way conversation. The more you share quality content, the more your target audience will trust you, rely on your and keep coming back for more. Focus your efforts on what you can do for your prospects, rather than how much money they’ll be worth to you or what you’ll get from them. Creating inbound marketing content designed to be truly useful will cause your followers to naturally engage and gravitate towards you.

Hope you found some inspiration for your inbound marketing strategies through this article!

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6 Quotes For An Inspired Inbound Marketing Strategy

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