samedi 28 septembre 2013

Recruiting for Tomorrow: How Millennials Boost Your Talent Pipeline

The dominant generation in your workplace will be soon be passing off their reign. If you’re not strategizing to ensure you’re bringing on the best and brightest Millennial workers, the future of your workplace may be in jeopardy.

Millennials workers aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, by 2020, 46 percent of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. And as these young workers begin to take charge within your company, you’ll likely require a slew of changes in your workplace to accommodate their interests.

Ensuring your talent pipeline is thriving with a steady flow of Millennial workers just might save your company. But before you can successfully recruit, there’s a lot you need to know about the values and interests of Millennial workers and the younger generation in general.

Key in on the following wants and needs before it’s too late:

The Move Toward Social Responsibility

According to a 2012 study, 56 percent of Millennials would take a pay cut to work somewhere that is changing the world for the better. Millennial workers are worried about the state of the world. Is your company on board for letting them to do something about it?

Having a clear company stance toward social responsibility will win you the much-needed attention of young workers. For instance, building a strong green initiative as part of your company culture might not only benefit the world, but also your ability to attract talented young employees.

Flexibility Is The Future

With 69 percent of Millennials believing office attendance is unnecessary on a regular basis, it may be time to reconsider employee scheduling. Does your company have a flextime or a remote work policy? If not, you may be missing out on many Millennial workers entering the workforce. Consider allowing your employees the freedom of working from home whenever their schedule allows it — they’ll appreciate your trust in their work ethic.

Continued Education Matters

Millennials are on track to become the most educated generation in American history. This love of learning doesn’t stop after they’ve received their diplomas and entered the workforce.

Tout your professional development and learning opportunities as a major part of your company culture, and Millennials are sure to take notice. You may consider providing industry-related training opportunities every month, paid attendance to conferences and seminars, and even tuition reimbursement for employees looking to further their education in your field.

The Compensation Advantage

This generation is faced with more debt than others. In fact, the average Millennial carries a whopping $45,000 in debt.

As an employer, it may be time to reconsider your salary offerings in light of recent graduate and Millennial compensation needs. By offering compensation packages that are slightly above the average for your industry or region, you may be able to gain an edge in recruitment. Or, consider compensating workers in other ways, like with company culture perks like a gym membership or flex time.

The Power Of Feedback

Millennials often get a bad rep for their interest in feedback, but what’s wrong with aiming for improvement? Transform your entire workplace into a more engaged, feedback-focused environment by putting new coaching methods into play.

Forget yearly reviews and focus on giving feedback and coaching through quick meetings, e-mails, or even a brief instant message conversation. Focus on selling the importance of coaching, mentorship, and constant feedback as a part of your company culture when it comes to recruiting and hiring.

Playing To The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Nearly 50 percent of Millennials want to start a business in the next five years. This could mean trouble if you’re planning to retain your recent graduate and Millennial employees. But it’s important to know that 90 percent of Millennials also say that being an entrepreneur is a mindset, instead of the role of a business owner.

How can you keep the entrepreneurially-spirited employees at your company? Give them room to generate powerful ideas and solutions for your company and clients, and follow through on their ideas and recommendations. Putting this mindset to use and allowing them to take the reins on various projects may deter them from leaving you for their own endeavors.

Millennials are the future. Save your talent pipeline by adapting to their values and interests, and you’ll be on your way to drawing in the best Millennial workers available.

How is your company playing to the interests of Millennial workers?

via Business 2 Community

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