dimanche 1 septembre 2013

Why A Custom Video Landing Page Template Will Increase Your Click Through Rate

In order to have a successful website it is important that you keep a constant eye on the numbers. One of these numbers includes the click-through rate. This rate is important as it measures how well your marketing campaign is working. If you notice that this rate is decreasing or at a stand-still, you can increase it by using a custom video landing page template.Why A Custom Video Landing Page Template Will Increase Your Click Through Rate image video marketing 300x225

Why Use a Video Landing Page

The video landing page is where you can show the viewer what your product is or which service you offer. This is your place to persuade them into doing business with you. Videos are an excellent tool for this purpose , because they are interesting and people prefer them over reading text. This goes for both their entertainment purposes and their business needs.

How Much Increase You Can Expect

As more people watch your videos, you will see the click-through rate increase as well. In fact, ReelSeo stated that the click through rates for videos in a universal search resulted in a 41% increase. In addition, SearchEngineWatch stated that video landing pages generated 4 to 7 times more response and engagement. That is quite an increase and you can get these same results when you add a custom video landing page template to your site.

Why it Works

Captures Attention

Videos capture attention. By placing a neatly done and well designed video landing page template onto your site, people will be naturally drawn to watch it. There are many templates you can choose from that will match the exact look you are aiming for. This makes it possible for you to choose a template that will fit your website and enhance it. An attractive site will not only draw in new visitors, but will also keep current customers interested.

Provides Necessary Information

People visit your site because they are interested in your product. Therefore, your video should describe your product or service in detail. This will give the viewer all the information they need to make an informed decision. The more information you add, the more likely they will be to head over to your destination page to make a purchase or sign up for products.

Get to the Point

Don’t assume that people will watch the entire video. People may not have the time or desire to watch a long video. Therefore, make sure that you mention all of the most important details right up front. This will prevent them from missing out on crucial information and will also increase the chances of them clicking through to do business with you.Why A Custom Video Landing Page Template Will Increase Your Click Through Rate image custom video marketing 300x124

Great Call to Action

A successful marketing strategy must include a call to action . The video landing page is where you will want to add yours. You can do this by embedding interactive applications into the video. These will direct viewers to the destination of your choice, which could include your sales page or a sign up form. Not only do these applications make it easy for viewers to make purchases, it also helps to engage them. This in turn, will keep them on your page longer which is also crucial for sales.

Makes the Process Simple

A good landing page should be straight forward and should limit the options available for the viewer. You have one goal in mind and this is what the viewer should see when they go to your video. By giving them too many options they are likely to not choose anything at all. Therefore, limit their options in order to lead them to your final goal.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a custom video landing page template will increase your click through rate. Add your video landing page today, so you can experience it’s great benefits first hand. Have you been monitoring your click through rate?

Why A Custom Video Landing Page Template Will Increase Your Click Through Rate image Social2

via Business 2 Community http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/custom-video-landing-page-template-will-increase-click-rate-0596223?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=custom-video-landing-page-template-will-increase-click-rate

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