samedi 28 septembre 2013

Why Doesn’t Google Turn Off The PageRank Feature In The Google Toolbar?

Why Doesn’t Google Turn Off The PageRank Feature In The Google Toolbar? image SEO 12PageRank Tools Get Abused Why Offer Them?

Google’s head of the web spam division (and thus SEO), Matt Cutts answers:

“Why don’t you switch off the PageRank Toolbar feature? It is widely used by link sellers as a link grading system. Why do you continue to display PageRank publicly? It appears to have little relevance, except to spammers.”

Check out what Matt has to say…

If you’re unfamiliar with PageRank and why it’s both super important and barely important all at the same time, here’s a tutorial on PageRank.

Do you know your blog’s page rank for it’s home page and for important internal pages?

via Business 2 Community

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