dimanche 1 septembre 2013

Why Marketing Metrics are Report Cards for Grown-Ups

Would You Show Your Parents Those Numbers?

Why Marketing Metrics are Report Cards for Grown Ups image ID 100157537 resized 600Metrics are much like grades: They tell you how well you’re doing. If you’re not paying attention to them, you’re not likely to get better at selling your business. You can spend hours creating a funny, engaging, and well-thought-out piece on the top 5 reasons to use organic window cleaner, but it won’t matter a bit if you either haven’t drawn in an audience, or you aren’t working to do so. However, metrics can be a daunting thing to tackle, so you may be wondering where you can even start. Based on some HubSpot articles on this very topic, we’ve made a list of the metrics that need your attention the most.

Bounce Rate

This tells you how many people are visiting your site without interacting with the content. It would be the equivalent of walking into a restaurant or store, only to quickly find that it’s not what you’re looking for, and walking out to find something else. If the number of people who are doing that is high, then you know something needs to be done with your website. Take a close look at your pages with the highest bounce rates. Is the content compelling, to the point, and easy to read? Is the call-to-action clear and engaging? What makes it different from the pages that don’t have a high bounce rate?

Conversion Rate

Another important rate to look at is conversion rate. This tells you how many people are converting from prospects into leads. More than that, though, the conversion rate tells you how well your landing pages are doing. A low conversion rate is a sign that something about your landing page is off. If you have a low conversion rate for a page, look for the same issues you sought in your pages with high bounce rates. Take a look, and see if anything could be done differently.

Returning Visitors

You may not always be able to win back the people who drive up your bounce rate, but you can take steps to woo those who visit your site again and again. Your number of returning visitors lets you know which keywords are performing the best, but they also let you know who’s worth courting. According to Pamela Vaughn of HubSpot, you should aim for a returning visitor rate of 15%. A rate of 30% indicates that your company isn’t attracting as many new customers as it should.

Traffic Sources

There are three types of traffic: direct, referral, and organic. Direct traffic results from someone typing in your site’s URL. Referral traffic comes from someone clicking a link that led to your site, and organic traffic comes from someone finding you via search engine. Why are these important metrics? They’re a mirror for your own marketing efforts. Referral traffic will tell you how you’re doing with social media, and organic traffic will report where your optimization around a certain keyword stands.


Doing a little bit of keyword analysis goes a long way. It’s possible that while you’re busy optimizing for certain target words, you may also unintentionally rank for keywords that you didn’t even think of before. You’ll only learn about these hidden goldmines, however, if you continue to check what phrases are leading visitors to your site. Once you do, you can add those keywords to your collection of optimized gems and make your site easier for visitors to find.

Popular Pages

The popular pages that draw a crowd? Those are the ones that can draw in visitors and convert them into leads. Take a look at your highest-performing content and make sure that you’ve included a relevant CTA at the bottom. After all, if you write about the Top 5 Most Eco-Friendly Handsoaps, and your CTA contains a link to an offer about the state of eco-friendly travel, that reader might be compelled to download it, but then again, they may not. If the CTA links to a landing page about green housecleaning, on the other hand, the reader will probably be more interested.

Remember how your report card listed areas where you excelled or needed improvement? Metrics essentially do the same thing. Once you start paying closer attention to your metrics, you can create a specific action plan for making your website more popular. If you don’t think about your metrics, however, you’ll just keep getting the same results every time. Which sounds like the better outcome?

image credit: artur84/freedigitalphotos.net

Why Marketing Metrics are Report Cards for Grown Ups image 753d4b47 aa80 4af1 8e66 9bbc7c252f381

via Business 2 Community http://www.business2community.com/marketing/marketing-metrics-report-cards-grown-ups-0596245?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=marketing-metrics-report-cards-grown-ups

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