mercredi 30 octobre 2013

6 Frightening Ways To Mutilate Your Content Marketing

The benefits of effective content marketing are clear. A thorough content marketing strategy can build strong relationships with customers, improve your business’s perception, generate leads, improve search results and bring to light your company’s story, among other things. Today, there’s no getting around the demand for fresh, creative and informative content.

6 Frightening Ways To Mutilate Your Content Marketing image screamWith Halloween one day away, there’s no better time to bring superstition into the mix and explore the darker side of content marketing. Although Halloween is the most thrilling holiday, the scary legends and creepy costumes don’t amount to real danger. But, what if all of your content marketing fears came true? According to the Content Marketing Institute, only 42% of B2B and 34% of B2C content marketers in North America consider themselves to be effective.

To find out what you’re up against, take a look at these six frightening ways to mutilate your content marketing:

  1. Write content all about you. Instead of boring your customers with content only about your products and services, rearrange your message to show how your business can help your audience.

  2. Be afraid of failing. How effective is your content marketing? Whether it’s excelling or falling short, there is room for improvement. Don’t be afraid to set aside some time to experiment with a new approach to see the result.

  3. Don’t have calls to action. A call to action is how your content generates leads. Don’t leave readers hanging. Instead, create simple CTA’s for your most visited pages and posts.

  4. Have a slow team. Part of effective content marketing is the ability to produce content swiftly. Work on a streamlined process to help your team publish quality content and cut out unneeded tasks.

  5. Produce inconsistent content. Consistent content lets people know they can count on you. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, be sure to stick to a schedule for when you publish blog posts, downloads, newsletters or videos.

  6. Have low standards. If your content resembles every other business’s in your industry, it’s time to change it up. In this case, quality is better than quantity.

See, content marketing isn’t so scary after all. These helpful tips can steer you in the right direction and ensure that you don’t mutilate your content marketing this Halloween.

What other content marketing horrors have you seen? Please share.

via Business 2 Community

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