With over 242 million business professionals on LinkedIn looking to network, to engage and to share it is a rich source of insight and opportunity.
LinkedIn enables you to safely leverage your network, the networks of staff and the personal brands of the team to drive the business brand and enhance the corporate reach. You can build profiles which get you found, get your noticed and sought after for your expertise, eminence and credibility. Advanced personal profiles can also include rich content such as images, presentations, video, blogs, files and more – all for free. If you want to know what your profile is like try this free test.
Even within 10 miles of the central London there are just under two million users on LinkedIn and IT is the second largest audience! It is packed with a cornucopia of business professionals not just IT but from the world of finance (over 25,000 investors and VC’s for example), law, marketing and more.
Your company or organisation can also have a profile that reflects the broad range of services and / or products that overlays all staff profiles, so that the full range of professional services can be accessed to enable cross selling opportunity, rich YouTube content shared to views, and recommendations for the company specific offerings can be collected at this level to enhance reputation and credibility. This profile can also automatically configure itself to present differently to different types, levels or markets of clients to enhance engagement.
The platform enables you to get your message out to an exponential audience, control it, enable social sharing and, if required, monitor it within that setting.
Most importantly it enables the business to shorten sales cycles, by engaging the current, past and future clients with updates. LinkedIn can automatically search through individuals’ connections networks to identify easy to reach potential clients, partners and routes to market. This enables referrals to be delivered to sales and consultancy teams for them to easily access new clients and this is all free.
Connections, clients and partners are never ignored and can be kept engaged, up to date and aware of the value of the team, the services and the value add of the business.
The three levels of separation that LinkedIn provides gives you a safe platform to retain clients, leverage their networks and all of this outside of competitor vision, once you are up to speed on the platform, the profiles and behaviours that come together to make LinkedIn work.
It is also a highly effective and efficient platform, with even 15 minutes a week paying dividends, even I use just one hour per week in total on LinkedIn to achieve significant results, in my case over £10 million in the first six years of new sales revenues from corporate roles, my largest corporate made over £20 million last year and even a single person made over £125,000 in the last twelve months.
LinkedIn enables you to make more of the people you know, to access easy to reach referrals, to raise the brands and credibility of staff and the company to get the success it deserves.
If you’d like an informal chat or to know more about how to make LinkedIn work then get in touch via 07802 392925, LinkedIn or just email james@thelinkedinman.com
via Business 2 Community http://www.business2community.com/linkedin/use-linkedin-0658650?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=use-linkedin
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