jeudi 31 octobre 2013

A Simple Example Of Content Marketing For Halloween

A Simple Example Of Content Marketing For Halloween image jack o laterns

Sometimes having a concrete example is the best way to teach someone.

That’s why today I have a simple, concrete example of content marketing for you.

In a previous post I wrote called, “Nestle Toll House Cookies: Old School Content Marketing In Action”, I gave you an example of how Nestle used content marketing to sell more of their products.

I showed you how they added a recipe for “Toll House Cookies” to their chocolate chip bags as a way of selling more chocolates. (See the post to learn more.)

Well, my example for you today is another variation of that idea.

Give Away Content That Encourages People To Buy Your Product

I decided to carve pumpkins with my 3 sons last night.

(I know it’s kind of late, but better late than never!)

I’ve been seeing more and more friends carving some pretty impressive pumpkins this year and I’ve been feeling pretty intimidated by them.

Why? Because I am used to carving 3 triangles for the eyes and a nose and then carving a jagged mouth.

That’s about all the skills I have when it comes to pumpkin carving.

That’s why I decide to check YouTube for some pumpkin carving tips.

I typed in “how to carve a pumpkin” and found a video that gave some great tips and is a perfect example of creating content to encourages people to buy your product.

Here’s the video I found…

How to carve a pumpkin using pattern stencils” by Geoff Freund

It shows 9 basic steps to carving a pumpkin like a pro.

At the end of the video, Geoff says that if you want to buy some stencils for your pumpkins, then check out his site:

If you go to his site, you’ll see a whole bunch of different stencil options you can choose from for only $1 each.

You’ll also see that he has a page on the site called “How to Carve a Pumpkin Using Pattern Stencils“.

On that page he has the same video embedded into the page and then he has the same 9 steps written out.

This is for anyone who finds his site first, before they find the YouTube video.

Do you see how simple, but effective, this is?

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

The 3 Simple Steps Geoff Uses

1. He creates content that his prospects are looking for.

2. It’s content that not only helps them (on its own), but is most effective when used with his product.

3. At the end of the content he gives a simple call to action.

That’s it. You can do the same.

Create content that attracts prospects, helps them and simply points to your product or service.

But you’ll only see results by actually doing something about this.

Now go and do it.

Post a link to your content in the comments.

Have a fun and safe Halloween!

If you would like to learn how to create interesting and engaging content, then check out my webinar recording called…

“21 Types of Content We Crave”

“Scott’s concepts in 21 Types of Content We Crave are absolutely brilliant! He simply breaks down an actionable approach that any content marketer can and should start using immediately. I highly recommend Scott Aughtmon as a valuable resource for both entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.”

- Bryan Kelly/

Click here to learn more about my

“21 Types of Content We Crave” webinar recording.

Photo by shawncampbell

via Business 2 Community

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