mercredi 30 octobre 2013

A Look Inside the American Kitchen [Infographic]

Throw a party, have a family dinner, or just invite some friends over for an afternoon and where is everyone congregating to catch up? That’s right: the kitchen. The kitchen is the focal point of the house; the socializing hub, if you will. So while you’re trying to get some last minute salads together and get the cake out of the oven before it burns, you’re weaving through conversations and hands clutching red Solo cups.

Despite how much we eat out, Americans love their kitchens and are constantly updating them to keep them functional and stylish. In 2010, 8.45 million kitchens were remodeled, the average cost being $53,931. Features like touch activated faucets, LED lighting, chic gray color schemes and recycling centers are the new kitchen vogue.

But, as statistics tell us, the kitchen is the most dangerous part of the home. Cooking mishaps are the top cause for residential fires, accounting for 380 deaths a year and 4,920 injuries. Germs are also a present threat in any kitchen. The fridge is a breeding ground for salmonella and listeria, as well as can openers, rubber spatulas, and food storage containers.

Though even with all these faults and dangers, 77% of American adults eat dinner at home and 79% report that they enjoy cooking. Check out this infographic presented by for more on the great American kitchen and let us know what you think in the comments.

A Look Inside the American Kitchen [Infographic] image kitchen infographic3

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via Business 2 Community

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