mercredi 30 octobre 2013

How To Get Real-Time Marketing Results?

How To Get Real Time Marketing Results? image ID 100211555It’s all about becoming your own news organization!

Everyday you need to wake up and follow the news regarding your clients, advocates and industry. What are the hot topics of the day? What type of questions are people asking your client service staff? How are your servicing these needs?

Too many times we get focused on generating new leads and the people with whom we serve. We spend time on elaborate plans and we submit proposals to these people, meanwhile out competitors are posting information on social media sites, blog sites and online media and are generating more inbound traffic. (This may or may not be your scenario.) I can tell you that it is happening.

Potential Buyers want attention. Potential Buyers want information. Potential Buyers want to act quickly because there is an underlying need for your product or service.

Welcome to Real-Time Marketing

We need to adapt, change, adapt some more, change some more.

We need to get information to buyers and our clients

We need to service needs on a daily basis

We need to work together with Sales, Marketing, Production, Staff, Executives

There is definitely a sense of urgency in all departments. We need people to manage the production and execution of our products and services and we also need the news team to collect the client stories and produce content to get out to clients and potential buyers.

This is where you come in as Marketers. Our roles are changing. We are not only marketing and promoting products and services, we are also producing news content for our clients and to do that we have to be listen closely to the information they are looking for.


To accomplish this task at hand, we need to pay close attention to our client service departments and find out what the hot questions of the day are. In addition, we need to be checking social media platforms for information pertaining to our industry, clients, the economy and our competition. I still use Google Alerts to help in this process and it really does a great job of monitoring information specific to my company.


In addition, to get the news out, we need a platform to broadcast from. A website or blog site are perfect places to broadcast from. From here, the information needs to be communicated over social media platforms like Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google Plus and Facebook.

Real-time marketing is here. Are you operating a news studio yet or are you watching this whole world pass you by.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

via Business 2 Community

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