mardi 26 novembre 2013

Does Your Business Need a Google Helpouts Strategy?

Does Your Business Need a Google Helpouts Strategy? image Google Helpouts for Marketing 1024x406

Every time a new technology debuts, it seems to be popular to go online and proclaim the “death” of that technology’s predecessor. Things get dramatic. With Google’s recent algorithm changes especially, you get stuff like “SEO IS DEAD!!” splattered across every marketing blog.

And video killed the radio star, right?

Well, that’s exactly not the case with Google Helpouts. If anything, Google Helpouts can be used as a tool to market your business – not a technology that’s going to render anybody obsolete. (Not yet, at least.)

What Is Google Helpouts?

In case you haven’t heard, Google Helpouts is a new service that debuted on Nov. 4. Based on the Hangouts platform (thus the riff on the name), Helpouts connects experts with customers via real-time video chat. Vendors can offer their expertise on virtually any subject, from plumbing to guitar lessons, for free or for pay. Also impressive: medical professionals can offer services with privacy protection and HIPAA compliancy.

Is There an SEO Reward for Using Google Helpouts?

Adding a Google Helpouts strategy to your marketing repertoire has obvious rewards that I’ll touch on in just a moment. But a more interesting question is this: Will Google reward users who are active on Helpouts?

As I mentioned in my last post about Hummingbird (Google’s first algorithm re-write in 12 years), the sway of SEO is losing some power as Google throws its weight behind “authority.” In other words, while strategies like backlinks and keywords are not becoming obsolete, other approaches such as using Google Authorship and creating popular content on Google+ are becoming more important. (David Amerland does a great job of explaining the relationship between the “old SEO” and Google Authority.)

So, for now, we can’t point to concrete evidence that Helpouts has a direct ROI for your search rankings. However, it’s strongly expected that using Helpouts could offer a good leg up – especially as Google builds on its semantic search process.

Using Google Helpouts for Marketing

Rather than tell you how I think you can use Google Helpouts for marketing purposes, let me point you to a couple of major brands that are already doing it:

  • Sears’ Blue Service Crew offers free help for your washer and dryer. Five-star reviews across the board.

  • Weight Watchers is offering advice for dealing with the holidays. Many reviews claim they’ll be using the tips.

Of course, you don’t have to be a major brand. Tonx, an L.A.-based coffee roaster, offers a gourmet coffee brewing Helpout. Huw Conway helps his customers fix problems in Windows. So, what’s the benefit for the business owner? Here’s how I see it:

  • Forgive the cliché… “Content is King.”

  • Helpouts are – at this point – pretty much the ultimate method for delivering direct and personal content. Obviously, due to the nature of the one-on-one setting, your spread isn’t nearly as great as it is with a blog post or Facebook post.

  • But considering the value of your content and the nature of the one-on-one communication, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a lot of Helpout sessions turning into sales during 2014.

  • Lastly, the reality is… most people aren’t going to take you up on your Helpouts offer. But the fact that you’re available and have great reviews definitely has to lift you in the eyes of the consumer.

Can you build your business on a Google Helpouts strategy? No, probably not. But is this a great tool to have in your content marketing belt? I think so!

What’s your take on Google Helpouts? Will your business be using this new tool?

via Business 2 Community

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