lundi 30 décembre 2013

Get Social Media Fresh in 2014

Get Social Media Fresh in 2014 image ID 100168338Another year is almost in the bank and the social media experts are telling people that they better be on social media or they will miss out. Those of us who have worked with social media for the past 7 years also need a wakeup call. It is time to create some fresh/great content and continue to stay above the noise regarding social media.

Yesterday, I talked about “Big Data” from an experience point of view. I really think this is the best way to look at Big Data and keep a perspective.

Keeping a fresh perspective and looking at things differently than others is critical to keeping the following:

Your message needs to stand out! – It is too easy to be like everyone else, but the key to a success on social media is to be diffeernt.

Be Consistent! – Make sure you are posting some information on social media sites each day. Getting noticed is not only about writing great content, it is about being a part of the action.

Connect with People of all Ages – This techniques helps you remain cool and keeps your message fresh across a wide variety of business professionals. Remember – Most top executives do not spend time on social media sites. Also, remember CEO’s should be a part of social media.

Connect with People across Industries – Hopefully, you are connecting with other marketers like yourself. You should also be connecting with other clients you currently serve and potential clients. Networking online is just as important as networking offline.

Change up Your Writing – Add videos, other people’s content, your own content, something from right field, take a hard stance on something, Keep people guessing as to what you are going towrite about.

Do not be Afraid to Fail – You will have good days and bad days. However, if you don’t experience highs and lows, how will you know what success feels like.

It really comes down to be interesting and it does take a lot of work. The people I follow have a way of making me feel good, make me mad at times and always keep me wanting more. By the way it is ok to disagree with someone. My only advice is this, make sure you keep the message positive. If you start getting negative over and over, you could do damage not only to yourself but your company.

Bottom-line – Get fresh! Think about how you could make a difference with others online. Once you start thinking like this, you start noticing how fresh your message can be and you will work to maintain it.

Good luck!

Image courtesy of Gualberto107 /

via Business 2 Community

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