lundi 30 décembre 2013

Short History of Digital Publishing [Infographic]

1455. Gutenberg introduces printing press.

1971. The first digital edition appears in the world. Digital publishing is born to change the printing industry.

2000s. Apple and Google introduce new innovative mobile technologies – operating systems for smartphones and tablets. And these mobile gadgets and systems are changing publishing business again. Thanks to mobile digital publishing solutions people got an opportunity to take their favorite books, newspapers and magazines anywhere, anytime.

How has digital publishing been developing for these 40 years? What way did it pass? Find out short history of digital publishing from the infographic made by Nasty Creatures epublishers.

Short History of Digital Publishing [Infographic] image tumblr inline my9h9d5HrS1snku425

History of Digital Publishing

Image Resource: Short History of Digital Publishing

via Business 2 Community

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