lundi 31 mars 2014

How To Make a Killer First Impression: The Rules

How To Make a Killer First Impression: The Rules image blog pictureRegardless of how prepared you are for your next job interview, there are certain rules regarding how to make a killer first impression when meeting with your hiring manager.

According to Forbes Magazine, you have exactly seven seconds to make a positive first impression. During those seven seconds, your interviewer is asking the following questions:

  • Are you someone to be avoided or should you be approached?

  • Are you someone he or she would like to be friends with or should you be avoided?

  • What kind of authority or status do you have?

  • Can I trust you? Are you confident and likeable?

The secret to giving a killer first impression is to accurately reveal yourself without coming off as inauthentic. As you know, many hiring managers can smell a fake a mile away. Here are five tips on how to make a rockstar first impression:

1. Straighten out your attitude and adjust your posture accordingly. People pick up on your attitude immediately and your body language speaks volumes.

2. You should always smile when you first meet with your hiring manager. A smile is an invitation of welcome and it helps answer the question “are you likeable” or “can I trust you”? You should always make eye contact as well as it transmits energy and indicates interest.

3. Dress the part and think about your jewelry. Read our post, What to Wear to Work: The Rules, and dress accordingly. You want to be noticed for your excellent skills, not your designer purse or large hoop earrings. Make sure what you’re wearing compliments you.

4. Be interesting and convey interest in the position. If you are taking the time (and the hiring manager’s time) to interview for this position, you need to demonstrate true interest. Listen carefully and ask questions.

5. Shake hands after your interview as this is the easiest way to establish rapport. Research actually shows that it takes an average of three hours of continuous interaction to match the same level of rapport you get from a single handshake!

Remember, first impressions count during job interviews. Take your time when getting ready, be yourself and take these rules into consideration. We know you’ll do great!

via Business 2 Community

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