jeudi 1 mai 2014

Effective Leaders Say “We,” Not “I”

“I” will only get you so far, “we” will take you to the end.

When I was in the Army as a second lieutenant, I would walk into meetings with my platoon and I would tell them what “I” was going to do. You know what…they let met. They let me do all that “I” could do. After a couple of months of doing it all by myself, “I” was exhausted. I realized that that “I” needed help so I quickly learned to say “we.”

Now, whenever I am talking about anything that requires help from someone else, I start with “we.”

Teams trust leaders that say “we.” It simply feels like a group effort. Using “we” brings a since of cohesiveness that ensures maximum participation. When you speak in “we” terms you immediately are able to gain participation from the group. Those that are apart of the “we” feel a sense of belonging. They know that they are not alone in the task and are focused on goal attainment.

If you are a leader like “I” use to be. Stop focusing on “I” and starting looking at “we,” I guarantee that your results will improve immensely.

Eliminate the usage of the word “I” whenever talking to your team. Take a jar and label it, “The I Jar,” then place it on your desk in plain view. Every time you find yourself saying “I” put a dollar in it. Let everyone know that you and your fellow leaders are eliminating the use of the word “I” whenever referring to the team or the organization. Once the “I’s” have been eliminated, take the money from the jar and throw the “Team” a party.

Tell your team together “we” can achieve success.

via Business 2 Community

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