mercredi 23 mars 2016

How to Create Attractive Offers That Boost B2B Leads


Like many things in life, you get out of your inbound marketing what you put into it. If you want B2B leads to flock to your virtual doorstep, you’ll have to make it worth their while.

The B2B relationship is particularly tricky. Prospects tend to take their time making a commitment. In fact, the entire sales process takes 22% longer than it did just a few years ago. How can you help expedite the sales process without being overly pushy?

This is where attraction offers are critical. So in this post, we’ll take a look at:

  • How an attraction offer is defined
  • What sort of attraction offer you should create
  • How to market your offer to increase B2B leads

What Is An Attraction Offer?

According to Hubpsot:

50% of leads are qualified, but they’re aren’t immediately ready to buy something from you.

So, what’s a B2B firm to do? Sit around until the lead feels it’s ready to call? Of course not!

You’ve no doubt come across various types of free content in your online travels. These might have included eBooks, demos, coupons, assessments. These are all valid offers.

However, they’re unlikely to be the type of offer to appeal to a first-time visitor of your webpage or content. A first time browser doesn’t want to feel pressured to commit. They need to know a bit about your expertise and what you have to offer.

Attraction offers on the other hand show your expertise, but don’t come with commitment terms or pressure. That is what an initial visitor typically wants.

According to

71% of B2B researchers start their research with a generic search

Let’s say your business provides a linen service to inns and resolrts. Someone just beginning to research a linen service wouldn’t likely query a search with “How much does it cost to get linens cleaned for an inn.” Instead, they’re researching things like “linen service in Hartford” or “how to get commercial linens cleaned.”

Your attraction offer will provide more generic information, without forcing the prospect into a commitment.

What Sort of Attraction Offers to Create

Attraction offers come in many flavors and many of them are even fun to create! Here at Marx Communications, we’ve created infographics, eBooks, guides, SlideShares, and videos, all with the purpose of educating and entertaining our audience.

Let’s go back to our linen service example. Think about some of the common challenges an inn might face regarding their linens, such as laundy turnaround time, stain removal, dealing with customers taking towels and robes home, or linen quality.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to watch an educational video on how to remove stubborn stains and how to deal with customers’ taking home towels and robes?

Or how about a guide to arranging the perfect guest room, with step-by-step instructions on making hospital corners or where to place flowers in the room?

If you’re stumped about what kinds of offers to create, check out content creation video — we had fun making it, and hopefully you’ll have fun watching it!

How to Market Your Offer to Boost B2B Leads

So now you’ve created your attraction offer. How do you ensure people see it?

Let’s say you’ve created your eBook on how to arrange the perfect guest room. First, you’ll want to offer your guide to your contacts who have agreed to receive marketing materials. You can do this by sending a brief email that includes a call to action, or CTA, inviting the viewer to download your eBook.

You can also place this CTA on your home page, so that any viewer who stops by will be able to see what you’re offering. Make sure your CTA includes an image that is optimized for search engines in the alt text, so that when someone searches for your topic, Google will crawl your pages and find a match.

You’ll also want to create a landing page — the page a viewer is swept to after clicking on the CTA. Once there, viewers complete a brief form in return for your offer. Your landing page should also be optimized for search.

Next, you’ll want to ensure that everyone downloading your eBook is entered into a workflow where you can send customized offers based on someone’s response to your form, For instance, a bed and breakfast that only has three rooms is not likely to need information on how to change 30 beds in one morning.

Another way to promote your attraction offer: Create a teaser blog post that includes some, but not all information about your topic. Invite the reader to click on the CTA at the end of the post in order to learn more.

Lastly, don’t forget about social media. Outlets such as Facebook and Twitter are prime places to broadcast your attraction offer.

Okay, are you ready to see these principles in action? Go ahead and download our attraction offer. Today, I present to you The Visual Guide to Creating the Perfect LinkedIn Company Page.

What you’ll get:

  • A killer LinkedIn company page creation tutorial
  • An better understanding of how to drive more leads with LinkedIn
  • A downloadable company page checklist

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How to Create Attractive Offers That Boost B2B Leads

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