jeudi 27 mars 2014

Top Sales Techniques to Revolutionize Your Business

When it comes to sales, new techniques and ideas are a lot like reinventing the wheel. After all, the sales process is known forwards and backwards, in and out: the only difference is within each industry and type of product or service. But while most sales techniques are old news in the business sphere, looking at the sales process a little differently could mean the difference between a banner month and lackluster numbers. By coaching your sales team to look at their jobs a little differently – and then letting them get to work – you may be able to revolutionize your numbers with a few tweaks and changes to improve the process. Here’s how.

Top Sales Techniques to Revolutionize Your Business image shutterstock 163204406 600x400

Manage Less, Lead More

Even if you were a top seller in your time, your sales team doesn’t need a babysitter—they need a leader. When you manage your team and are constantly looking over their shoulders, you send a clear message: I don’t trust you to do this on your own. In turn, you’re rewarded with a sales team that can’t efficiently sell independently, who feel unappreciated and who may avoid doing their job unless being closely supervised. Instead, lead by example. Show your sales team that you’re enthusiastic about the process and that you’ve assembled a top-notch team whom you trust. The shift in your outlook should be rewarded by an enthusiastic team that doesn’t feel micromanaged and who are free to sell to the best of their abilities.

Protect Time

It’s been said that any time that you don’t spend selling to a customer is wasted. While you can’t spend every waking moment talking and selling, you can put safeguards in place that effectively protect your time when you and your sales team are with customers. Whether it’s blocking out parts of your schedule specifically for selling or putting other issues on hold while the sales team is in action, protecting sales time makes sense. It can help you feel less frazzled and time-crunched while allowing you to focus on the efficiency of the sales process—the other stuff can wait.

Better Communication

Communication is everything when it comes to putting together the best possible sales team—and managing your sales strategy. Think about it: How can a sales team understand your goals if you don’t carefully communicate exactly what you expect of each and every one of your team members? By being clear about quotas and protocols from day one, you help set a standard, but your work isn’t done after your initial communication. Regular correspondence is necessary to keel sales on track and ensure that sales team members are doing their jobs. Whether it’s giving kudos when someone surpasses your expectations or letting a member know when he’s falling behind, communication can make or break a sales month.

Education and Training

Even if your sales team members attended top-notch schools and finished the training process for your company, education shouldn’t be a one shot deal. Instead, investing in education, training and sales courses can give you the edge against your competitors. The world of sales and marketing is constantly changing and evolving. By ensuring that your sales team keeps up with the trends and tactics, you can get the upper hand and enjoy a team that is enthusiastic about increasing their knowledge and skills.

While it’s true that the world of sales has been examined in every way possible, altering your strategy to reflect the changing times and assets available can help you keep your strategy fresh. Whether you’re managing or selling, brushing up on new skills and trends can make all the difference.

via Business 2 Community

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