jeudi 3 avril 2014

After Trying To Retrieve Phone, Teen Gets Stuck In Drain

After Trying To Retrieve Phone, Teen Gets Stuck In Drain image storm drain

Sometimes you just have to let it go. A 16-year-old teenager from Dover learned that lesson this week when she got stuck in a drain after trying to retrieve her lost cellphone.

The teenager, Ella Birchenough, was walking down the Eaves Road when she accidentally dropped her phone down a sewer drain. Ella refused to let the phone go and decided to climb down into the sewer to get her phone back.

Well, it didn’t go as planed. Ella got stuck in the drain, the fire department had to come get her out, and several embarrassing photos are now making their way around the internet.

Kent Fire And Resuce was able to free the girl but, unfortunately, they were unable to save the phone.

After the incident Ella said: “I thought to myself ‘I’m not leaving this’ and I jumped down to get it. I wasn’t really even stuck, I just need somebody to help lift me out but my mum got all panicky. When they pulled me out I ran straight home and jumped in the bath. I think it was just water but I wasn’t taking any chances. I was just laughing the whole time, I have seen the funny side of it. You just have to laugh along with it.”

photo credit: skyloader via photopin cc

via Business 2 Community

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