mercredi 23 avril 2014

Apple Strives To Be Better As They Focus On Changing The World And Lives [VIDEO]

Strategically released the same week the U.S. celebrated Earth Day, Apple debuted their latest promotional video, Better, narrated by CEO Tim Cook, which is an environmentally-focused story on how Apple is striving for better through their products and processes.

From a first watch, and the vivid imagery that evokes thoughts of sustainability and design, the video addresses the concept of making things “better” by focusing on the environment and ways to reduce packaging and Apple’s carbon footprint. After a second viewing, it’s apparent that Apple is also sending a message that they are focused on improving individual lives, not only through the trickle down effect of improving the environment, but also through Apple’s innovative products.

Right now, if you visit Apple’s site, you won’t see their products as the hero images (they are secondary), but instead, you will see a never-ending plane of solar panels and the phrase, “We want to leave the world better than we found it” and a call-to-action to “Learn more about Apple and the environment,” which will lead you to the video.

Here is a transcript of the video:

“‘Better.’ It’s a powerful word, and a powerful ideal. It makes us look at the world and want more than anything to change it for the better. To innovate. Improve. To reinvent. To make it … better. It’s in our DNA. And better can’t be better if it doesn’t consider everything. Our products, our values, and an even stronger commitment to the environment for the future. To use greener materials, less packaging. To do everything we can to keep our products out of landfills, Changes that will benefit people as well as the planet. To us, better is a force of nature. It drives us to build things we never imagined. New data centers powered by the sun and wind. A new manufacturing facility that runs on 100 percent clean energy. And new product designs that make use of recycled materials – all ways to reduce our impact on the environment. We have a long way to go and a lot to learn. But now more than ever we will work to leave the world better than we found and make the tools that inspire others to do the same.”

Although this initiative is not new (Apple did focus on their sustainability last September when they introduced the iPad Air and announced the reduced energy consumption of their products), the growing emphasis on the convergence of product development and conservation taking the headline is a new direction for the company’s marketing.

In the beginning of April, Apple announced its annual World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) will be held June 2-6 in San Francisco, and rumors are already swirling as to what Apple will ultimately reveal (these conferences previously announced FaceTime, the redesign of their laptops, and new versions of iOS and OSX).

This could be a new direction for the company and could take the emphasis off their earth-shattering product releases, which have come to a screeching halt.

Apple making the world a better place? It could happen.

via Business 2 Community

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