mercredi 2 avril 2014

How to be Happier at Work

How to be Happier at Work image shutterstock 152583644Studies show that 70% of Americans are not happy at their current jobs. Companies are giving more and more perks such as casual Fridays, flexible work days or free lunches to make their employees happier so that they can be more productive. However, even these perks may not be good enough for everyone to like their jobs.

You don’t need to wait for your employer‘s help to like your job. You can take action yourself and implement the simple steps below to be happier at work.

1) Avoid Negativity: Avoid negative conversations at work. Especially, people who talk about their personal problems and whine about everything. Don’t let these people bring you down. Also, every morning when you come to work, smile at your coworkers and greet them. You will be surprised to see that most of your smiles will be returned. Don’t forget that everybody likes positive attitude.

2) Work on Something You Like: Maybe you don’t like your current job and you just do it for a living. However, if you can find at least one thing that you like doing in your daily responsibilities and concentrate on doing it better, you will be happier. Then, your job won’t seem so bad to you anymore. Still if you cannot find anything you like about your current job, maybe it is time for you to move on.

3) Control Your Own Career: You are responsible for your own career growth and not your company. That is why, plan your goals. Then, start paying more attention to what is going on around you and your company in order to find and work on projects that is aligned with your career goals. Moreover, ask questions to your seniors and try to learn as many skills as you can which is related to your work. When you feel that you are learning something new every day, you will be happier.

4) Dress for Success: Leave the house looking good every day. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you can be more productive at work and your day flies by.

5) Make the Most of Your Day: Do not waste your time in junk emails. Plan your day when you arrive at the office every day and try to finish your entire to-do list. You will see that you will feel much happier when you actually finish all of your tasks and accomplish something at the end of the day.

via Business 2 Community

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