mercredi 2 avril 2014

Why Is Instagram Showing Old Photos? Five Day Delay Plagues Social Network

Why Is Instagram Showing Old Photos? Five Day Delay Plagues Social Network image kimkardashian on Instagram 1

Who wants to see what people ate five days ago? Where are the photos of what people are eating today?! Instagram users are freaking out over a five day delay that seems to be effecting most of the network. And when something goes wrong with one social network, you can expect people to complain about it on another.

People are complaining so much that the phrase “Why Is Instagram” actually started trending on Twitter.

Instagram also took to Twitter to tell its users that a fix was on the way. Instagram writes: “We’re working to fix a temporary glitch that is resurfacing Instagram photos from several days ago. Thanks for your patience!”

The five day delay on Instagram is kind of annoying but it’s nothing to get too upset about. Recent posts are still available (like this video of Kim Kardashian or these bizarre #aftersex photos) but they might not show up in your stream right away.

So just sit tight. Instagram is working on a solution. Of course, if you’re just too frustrated and need to vent some of that anger, you can turn to Twitter or Facebook to complain about the lack of Instagram posts in your feed.

via Business 2 Community

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