jeudi 27 février 2014

The Top 3 Combination Issues for Small Businesses Today

The Top 3 Combination Issues for Small Businesses Today image Untitled2Small businesses are likely to face a plethora of issues this year. The key to making your business successful is seeing the issues upfront, and working towards changing them into advantages. Here are eight issues your small business could face this year. How will you combat these problems?

1. Mobile Marketing and Security: Not having a top-notch mobile marketing plan could derail your business efforts. More and more people are relying on the consumption of products through their mobile devices, so keep your marketing plan up-to-date on current operating systems or face the possibility of a business failure. With internet use, a old issue became larger: a security breach could end your company overnight. Be proactive and have a security program in place before it’s too late.

2. Time Tracking and Productivity: Time spent on unimportant activities is a huge money waster in small businesses. Make sure that the activities you’re spending time on are important for your businesses overall goals. Use a time-tracking app like OfficeTime to help you see patterns in how you spend your time. Productivity is always a struggle for small businesses, so be sure to have a management system that keeps you and all of your employee’s productivity levels high.

3. Keeping Employees Happy and Healthcare: With sites like LinkedIn and it’s easier than ever for top quality employees to find jobs. How will you ensure that your best employees don’t jump ship for better opportunities? The Affordable Healthcare Act could mean a lot of changes for your business. How will you ensure that this problem doesn’t become a huge money waster?

Which problems do you see your small business facing this year? How will you keep your business afloat, and more than that, thriving this year? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

via Business 2 Community

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