samedi 1 février 2014

Meet Mobile’s Favorite Sidekick: Moms Dominate Smartphone Usage

Some might say that 2013 was The Year of Mobile with nearly every vertical experiencing growth in this area, both in terms of consumer usage and advertising spend in order to reach these audiences. While the increased dependence upon mobile devices likely comes without shock, you may be somewhat surprised to learn who contributed most to this trend in 2013. According to a Baby Center report, mothers of young children (ages 5 and younger) increased their mobile usage by 34% compared to the year prior, thus retaining their title as the most active mobile audience group for the year.

Moms and Their Smartphones

According to a study conducted by AOL, mothers of young children not only showed the largest growth in terms of mobile usage over the prior year, they also became the audience group with the most time spent on these devices, using their smartphones nearly 12% more frequently than the average adult. In fact, mother with children 5 years or younger spent an average of 37 hours per week on their smartphones compared to 31 hours per week for the closest runner up group, Millenials (adults ages 18-32).

According to the Baby Center report, 46% of moms reported that their smartphone served as a ‘backup brain’ helping keep schedules, appointments and a newly active lifestyle in order during the early years of parenting. AOL also noted that web browsing on mobile devices by moms of younger children was a result of the abundance of information and support online for mothers adjusting to new responsibilities and roles.

In addition to general web browsing and application usage on mobile devices, mothers of young children also reported escapism, social networking and shopping as the top three categories of time spent on smartphones.

Meet Mobile’s Favorite Sidekick: Moms Dominate Smartphone Usage image moms and smartphones

*As compiled by

How to Reach These Mobile Super Users

So in addition to being mobile super users, mothers of young children also happen to be incredibly powerful social media influencers, meaning they are highly active in social media, especially when it comes to advocating for and following brands that they believe in and trust. If you’re a brand or marketer that caters to the mom audience, there are a wealth of opportunities to reach this audience on the mobile devices that they are so often using.

  • Facebook offers a wealth of niche targeting capabilities, many which can be tailored specifically to mothers of young children. Learn how to Reach Your Desired Audience with Facebook Ad Targeting

  • If the mom-on-the-go is who you’re trying to reach, consider geo-conquesting to ensure your brand is present on mobile devices before a competitor purchase is made

  • Native advertising options are also gaining in popularity and prevalence with marketers; aligning your advertising with the content that moms of young children are likely to be consuming on mobile devices can equal big wins for your brand

via Business 2 Community

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