vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Better Lead Generation Starts at Home – 3 Homepage Hacks

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Capturing more leads on the most-visited page of your website is often a matter of making some very simple changes to your home page. So let’s jump right in to the easy homepage hacks that can make a world of difference in your lead generation success.

Make it Easy for People to Become Leads

If your website isn’t bringing in as many leads as you would like, it could simply be because no one can find your premium content and sign-up forms. Make opportunities for lead conversion impossible to miss by adding more calls to action (CTAs)!

Don’t limit your CTA placement to just one “resources” page (though those are a good idea) or a couple of links in the side bar. Make sure your best offers are on your homepage as well. You might want to consider offering a sampling of offers for each stage of the buyer’s journey. For instance, you could feature a whitepaper for the first-time “just looking” visitor, a case study video for the visitor looking for viable solutions, and a “get a quote” form for people who are ready to talk.

Review Your Home Page Messaging

Your homepage messaging needs to be quick and to the point. Your visitors should know what they’re going to get out of your site immediately. Otherwise, they’ll be presseing that “Back” button faster than you can say, “sit down and stay awhile.”

Messaging for the content on your homepage matters too. If you have plenty of quality content, but your messaging isn’t effective or motivating, you still won’t get the leads you’re after. In everything you do, keep in mind your buyers and what they need to know to accomplish goals and overcome challenges.

Keep it Simple

If your website navigation, design, and layout aren’t visitor friendly, people will not stick around long enough to become leads.

Here again, the buyer’s journey comes in to play. What do they need to know at various stages of their buying cycle and what content can you provide to answer their questions? Answer those questions and use your homepage to funnel them through the entire buyer’s cycle, giving opportunities for them to convert and reconvert as leads along the way.


  • Add great CTAs to the home page – for all stages of the buyer’s journey.

  • Address “What’s in it for me?” right on the homepage.

  • Keep it simple.

Implement those three changes and you’re going to get more leads from your website. We promise.

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Better Lead Generation Starts at Home – 3 Homepage Hacks

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