jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Trick Or Trick: The Ticket Monsters Of Customer Service (And How to conquer them)

For many, Halloween is a holiday that comes once a year: a celebration filled with gratuitous amounts of candy, costumes, and childlike bliss. For customer service agents, however, every day can feel like Halloween—and not in a carefree, sugar-high way.

Since the dawn of time (or at least since the advent of customer service) agents far and wide have been haunted by monsters. Not the Loch Ness-kind: we’re talking about the really scary stuff—support tickets that, for one reason or another, are nearly impossible to solve. Sometimes, like zombies, they keep coming back with relentless fervor. Some customers, like werewolves between lunar phases, can undergo dramatic changes in mood, shifting from satisfied to cuckoo crazy in the blink of an eye. Sound familiar?

Although these ticket monsters seem scary, rest assured—like in every mythical tale, there’s always a way to vanquish them. It may take a lot of patience and effort, but remember: heroes rarely get to take the easy way out—especially those who work in customer service. Click through the slideshow below to arm yourself with the knowledge of a thousand swords and defeat your ticket monsters, once and for all.

Even when Halloween is over, ticket monsters still stick around.

Read more tips on how to handle gnarly support tickets

The post Trick or trick: the ticket monsters of customer service (and how to conquer them) appeared first on Zendesk.

Trick Or Trick: The Ticket Monsters Of Customer Service (And How to conquer them)

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